
跟著大腕兒打醬油, 咱也鼓搗一首歌" The Balloon Man"

(2019-10-08 12:18:28) 下一個

一個小人物, 一首詩, 兩個經典, 一個大腕兒, 一個打醬油的, 汆了一首有故事的歌,

喜歡開門見山, 先聽歌, 文字故事在後麵.


The Balloon Man

Music: Scarborough Fair (Sarah Brightman version)

Lyrics generated from Rose Fyleman's poem " The Balloon Man" by the Big shot & Yihuajiemu

He always comes on market days,
holds balloons a lovely bunch
And in the market square he stays,
never seems to think of lunch.

red and purple, blue and green,
And when it's a sunny day
Tho' carts and people get between
You see them shining far away.

some are big and some are small,
tied together with a string,
And if there is a wind at all
They tug and tug like anything.

Some day perhaps he'll let them go
we shall see them sailing high,
And stand and watch them from below -
They'd look pretty in the sky !

HE always comes on market days,
holds balloons a lovely bunch
And in the market square he stays,
never seems to think of lunch.


一個收藏愛好, 汆就一首歌. 

英國瓷器公司Royal Daulton的瓷偶是很多收藏愛好者心愛之物, 

工藝精湛, 人物生動形象, 很多經典人物都有故事, 每個人物都有自字的名字. 曆史上英國的瓷藝家在瓷土中加入動物骨粉成分使得瓷器的toughness大增, 瓷器可以做的很薄, 顏色更純淨,所以英國瓷有個別名叫骨瓷, bone china. 華麗的人物造型甚至是彼時女孩心目中的偶像, 那個年代的芭比娃娃, 作為自己的夢想而持有一生.

一個機緣又收藏了Royal Daulton, 靈魂級設計師 Leslie Harradine的經典作品之一The Balloon Man瓷偶.

一個賣氣球的小人物,消瘦的臉龐, 寥落的眼神, 磨損的皮鞋,一個典型的小人物.. 

Royal Daulton瓷器公司出版有專門的瓷偶手冊, 我們也收藏了一本, 通過底麵的HN號碼,

可以查出這個模型的設計年代, 以及瓷偶的簡單介紹. 

有趣的是關於這個瓷偶的這段文字(並非每個瓷偶都有這樣的描述), 這個瓷偶設計的靈感來自於

詩人Rose Fyleman的一首詩: The Balloon Man 

這首英文詩的韻腳也非常有意思, 每間隔兩句押韻, 比如13句押韻, 24句押韻, 57句押韻, 68句押韻, 

以此類推, 我highlight 了這些韻腳. 

The Balloon Man

HE always comes on market days,
And holds balloons a lovely bunch
And in the market square he stays,
And never seems to think of lunch.
They're red and purple, blue and green,
And when it is a sunny day
Tho' carts and people get between
You see them shining far away.
And some are big and some are small,
All tied together with a string,
And if there is a wind at all
They tug and tug like anything.
Some day perhaps he'll let them go
And we shall see them sailing high,
And stand and watch them from below -
They would look pretty in the sky !

by Rose Fyleman

那麽Rose Fyleman又是受什麽啟發寫的這首詩哪? 

一定是個賣氣球的小人物------------ The Balloon Man

同樣是小人物, 鄙人一下字就被這描述小人物的詩吸引, 分享給別人後, 某音樂團夥總監最先嚷嚷出來, 求作曲吧, 唱出來唱出來.  著啊!  轉念一想彎兒有點大, 沒準也不用作曲, 直接套曲不更那... ...

看著這詩中描述的場麵, 似曾相識啊, 再看看這四句一段的結構, 似曾相識啊, 那個那個什麽市場,,, ,,, Scarborough ,,,不就是這樣結構嗎? 缺段副歌, 把第一段四句重複一遍不就有了?  與Scarborough Fair歌詞長度都一樣, 意境也很像. 

自己沒本事, 打醬油的念頭就來了, 惴惴不安地試探某少年大腕兒口風, 大腕兒平易近人, 爽快地答應試唱, 這都不叫事兒, 清風拂麵.   大腕胃口清雅, 喜好不來特慢沙拉, 於是就把它用不來特慢沙拉給拌了.  並對歌詞做了最後修訂, 以便發音流暢.

一個小人物: 市場賣氣球的小人物

一首詩: The Balloon Man

兩個經典: the balloon man 瓷偶, Scarborough Fair 音樂

一個大腕兒: 唱歌的Big shot, 

一個打醬油的: 鄙人, 本來還存個小私心, 等大腕兒唱完了, 我可以跟著學學, 聽完後不禁暗暗叫苦, 這不來特慢沙拉太仙兒, 咱地氣太重實在來不了. 

一首歌: Sarah Brightman 伴奏版本 Scarborough Fair, The Balloon Man 填詞.



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