2004 (1)
2005 (1)
2007 (104)
2008 (95)
2009 (105)
2010 (66)
2011 (37)
2012 (44)
2013 (36)
2014 (56)
2015 (33)
2016 (62)
2018 (34)
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2024 (46)
常去的群組在搞活動,奔照片展示孩子們的昨天和今天,另外用一張照片表達心目中他們的明天。要說明理由, 比如可以通過對孩子個性才華的觀察, 或者父母本人的期望, 都行。 不一定用名人, 也可以用普通人, 隻要能說明清楚, 容易理解。也可以來兩個明天: High bar vs. Low bar expectations.
Claude Monet (French pronunciation: [klod mɔnɛ]), born Oscar Claude Monet (14 November 1840 – 5 December 1926), was a founder of French impressionist painting, and the most consistent and prolific practitioner of the movement's philosophy of expressing one's perceptions before nature, especially as applied to plein-air landscape painting. The term Impressionism is derived from the title of his painting Impression, Sunrise (Impression, soleil levant).
小朋友一共就知道從學校這一年學的幾個“偉大人物”,科學家、畫家、那個患癌跑加拿大的運動員(一下子忘名字了)等等。 所以,讓他選,當然毫無懸念的選莫奈了,他喜歡畫畫嘛。
Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite (born 22 April 1982), commonly known as Kaká, is a Brazilian football midfielder who currently plays for Spanish La Liga club Real Madrid[2] and the Brazilian national team. Kaká started his footballing career at the age of eight, when he began playing for a local club. At the time, he also played tennis,[3] and it was not until he moved on to São Paulo FC and signed his first professional contract with the club at the age of fifteen that he chose to focus on football.
媽媽挑了卡卡,是因為覺得他陽光帥氣,高大健美。我是足球迷哈,也喜歡很多體育活動,雖然樣樣不精通,不過很多都會點皮毛。所以,我對小朋友對體育活動的不感冒,是有些耿耿於懷的,想給他報名學遊泳,滑冰和足球等等,一律拒絕哈。 反正活動說,沒限製的想象未來嘛,那就選了個我知道最不可能的將來了...嘿嘿....來小小彌補一下自己的遺憾吧。