Joan Baez(瓊.貝茲)是迄今我最喜歡的女歌手,這位被人們稱作“民謠女皇”的歌手,無論歌曲所表現是是什麽,瓊.貝茲的歌聲總是那麽清澈、嘹亮;無論她是在以輕快的女高音演唱民歌或現代歌曲,她的聲音都是那麽清澈可辯,富有說明力和感染力。
Diamond and Rust--是美國民謠之後Joan Baez的一首傳世之作,並被認為是她最出色的歌曲之一。“英美電台DJ每次播她的歌時,一般總要播這首。關於這首歌的歌詞涵意,一種說法認為歌詞中所講的是她個人的一段戀情。 Joan Baez於50年代末投入美國民歌運動,進入60年代,她遇見了鮑勃迪倫(Bob Dylan,後來被尊稱為“民謠搖滾之父”,最著名的作品是“Blowing in the wind”),兩人惺惺相惜,彼此都十分賞識對方的才華,並因此產生一段秘密戀情。這段沒有結果的感情到後來悄然而終。1975年,Joan Baez寫了這首曲子,回顧當年兩人亦師亦友的感情,歌詞雖頗多隱喻卻蘊含真情。”覺得每首歌後麵都有一個故事.所以將引號那段搬來此處.我對這首歌最深的印象倒是<阿甘正傳>中Jenny撫琴的樣子.下麵將這首好聽的歌送給你們兩個版本,一個是1975年最初的版本,那時的Joan也就不到30歲...
“I’ll be damned, look what the wind brought in.”(“真見鬼,什麽風把你吹來了。”)
突然,Bob Dylan的一頭亂頭發在台上出現,抱著個吉他,坐在Baez身邊,觀眾瘋了,高聲歡呼,兩個人又在一起唱了首Blowing in the Wind,所有人都被記憶泡酥了。這首歌唱完,Bob Dylan就走了,Baez眼淚汪汪地接著唱她自己寫的歌。這是我聽到把藕斷絲連表達得最直白的歌詞,我相信唱出來是需要勇氣的。我的翻譯不是最好:
(Words and Music by Joan Baez)
Well I'll be damned Here comes your ghost again But that's not unusual It's just that the moon is full And you happened to call And here I sit Hand on the telephone Hearing a voice I'd known A couple of light years ago Heading straight for a fall
As I remember your eyes Were bluer than robin's eggs My poetry was lousy you said Where are you calling from? A booth in the midwest Ten years ago I bought you some cufflinks You brought me something We both know what memories can bring They bring diamonds and rust
Well you burst on the scene Already a legend The unwashed phenomenon The original vagabond You strayed into my arms And there you stayed Temporarily lost at sea The Madonna was yours for free Yes the girl on the half-shell Would keep you unharmed
Now I see you standing With brown leaves falling around And snow in your hair Now you're smiling out the window Of that crummy hotel Over Washington Square Our breath comes out white clouds Mingles and hangs in the air Speaking strictly for me We both could have died then and there
Now you're telling me You're not nostalgic Then give me another word for it You who are so good with words And at keeping things vague Because I need some of that vagueness now It's all come back too clearly Yes I loved you dearly And if you're offering me diamonds and rust I've already paid