打酒的2012-09-21 00:36:22回複悄悄話
Recently the mayor of the 10th largest city in the US was stopped on his way to work for a traffic violation. He later praised the officer.
Now that's what I call news.
When will the mayor of a large Chinese city start driving to work himself?
打酒的2012-09-21 00:09:42回複悄悄話
I guess I did not: all the news that's fit to print.
My hat's off to the reporter(s).
不可告人2012-09-20 20:26:50回複悄悄話
回複打酒的的評論:If you had read the news, you'd have known that's what happened in Beijing.
生活容易的同時, 個人智慧和集體智慧肯定下降, 如果不經常刻骨反思修理
34 年開放,依然以空間換時間。實際上中共建政後大部分邊境條約以割地為主,以滿足毛的。。。
Now that's what I call news.
When will the mayor of a large Chinese city start driving to work himself?
My hat's off to the reporter(s).
You cannot make up something like this. Must be from his own experiences.