本悄悄話來自 Yemer 於 2006-10-05 11:04:19
我在文學城上看了你的個人檔案, 很吸引人也很有趣。真的很想和你做朋友, I live in
Can we become friends?
本悄悄話來自 Yemer 於 2006-10-07 19:51:14
Hi, I like the person in your picture. Wanna make friends with her. I am sincere.
本悄悄話發給 Yemer 於 2006-10-07 19:56:10
Thanks for the kind words...the person in the picture is just 一個平凡人...
本悄悄話來自 Yemer 於 2006-10-07 20:33:59
Hi, How are you? I really like the person in the picture. Would you accept? I am still new in the States. I work in
本悄悄話發給 Yemer 於 2006-10-08 07:23:07
Thanks for your help in advance...:)
本悄悄話來自 Yemer 於 2006-10-08 11:43:16
Hi, Can I give you a call? Thanks.
本悄悄話發給 Yemer 於 2006-10-08 13:07:18
I am sorry that I never talk to friends from internet.
本悄悄話來自 Yemer 於 2006-10-08 13:07:18
Hi, 沒關係的.等你認可我的時候,你肯定會願意和我"TALK"的,是嗎?
本悄悄話來自 Yemer 於 2006-10-12 08:36:38
Hi, How are you? Can I be your HONGYAN ZHIJI? Thanks.
本悄悄話發給 Yemer 於 2006-10-12 17:57:14
Hi, How do you define 紅顏知己?
本悄悄話來自 Yemer 於 2006-10-12 18:56:37
Hi, A 紅顏知己 is a friend that you can share almost everthing,like a special friend? What do you think?
本悄悄話發給 Yemer 於 2006-10-15 19:54:52
Then you have anything to share with me?
本悄悄話來自 Yemer 於 2006-10-15 20:29:49
Hi. Absolutely. What do you need? You may take whatever I have when...
本悄悄話發給 Yemer 於 2006-10-16 06:04:19
First question...have you read all my articles in this blog yet?
本悄悄話來自 Yemer 於 2006-10-16 07:04:50
Yes. I do like you.
本悄悄話發給 Yemer 於 2006-10-16 19:26:46
本悄悄話來自 Yemer 於 2006-10-16 20:12:16
Well. To be honest,could I be your lover for any of my expense, for even once? I swear I mean it.
本悄悄話發給 Yemer 於 2006-10-17 10:21:36
Frankly speaking, i am very surprise at your 直接和勇氣...
Curious: How much do you think you want to pay for one night...
本悄悄話來自 Yemer 於 2006-10-17 13:20:36
I knew you woould be surprised.我是真心的,我喜歡你.我想啊.If you agree, we can talk about the price.Looking forward to your consent.
本悄悄話來自 Yemer 於 2006-10-18 06:21:08
Hi, I am amazed at my own"直接和勇氣". Maybe that is why people like the Internet, where you could say anything that you want to, but that you would never say in your daily life. Do you feel the same sometimes?
本悄悄話發給 Yemer 於 2006-10-18 06:21:08
雖然我相信一見鍾情, 但還沒有碰到過一見照片鍾情的例子...
INTERNET是給予了很大的交友空間, 吵架頂嘴也可以一走了之...每天要麵對的就隻有自己一個人, 所以我視之為童話世界--一個美麗也沒有慌言的地方...