

(2009-03-25 12:20:26) 下一個
剛剛打電話給社區大學的圖書館,得知我的background check通過了,我現在是正式volunteer啦。哈哈。不領錢的工作也做做看。

前天去mall瞎逛的時候,看到Sears照相館,走進去問她們要不要招人,還順便把我給兩個小魔女的照片秀出來,結果人家要我第二天去麵試。昨天麵試完,人家說,You are great。 說星期四她的老板會打電話來。我也不知道真假。不過出來特高興。

就是填表的時候,難過了一下。在學曆那欄寫下Bachelor of Science的時候,自問,What am I doing here?

今天跟老公說,要不人家Sears招我也不要去了吧? 瞎折騰呢。

上個星期跟前老板吃飯-- 她去年去了另外一個組,我們換了新小老板。 不過她一直對我照顧有餘。 前老板說怎麽樣也得keep busy,那些對我今後工作沒用的工作最好別花時間。 現在想想,不無道理。 照相館的工作,屬於心血來潮亂申請的。然後前老板還上我的LinkedIn Profile給我寫一通recommendation。 挺感激她的。
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小葡萄媽媽 回複 悄悄話 Good luck with your trip to China. I haven't been back since 2001. I would love to go too.

I would love to see your girls' pictures as well. I am sure you have two angels. Even my two monsters can look like angels sometimes. ;-)

It's funny that you mentioned subbing for the local school district. As a matter of fact, I just went to a job fair this morning and I talked to one of the HR persons. It was an eye opening experience. I am also looking into becoming a certified educator. It costs at $4400 to go through their program and get certified. It's quite a bit of investment.
cncjcc 回複 悄悄話 Good luck with job hunting. (I love your girls' pictures too!) BTW, have you thought about becoming a substitute teacher for your school district? This job is VERY flexible and you can pick the days that you want to work. I tried when my girls were younger. The only draw back for me was that I had to get to work by 7:00 am or so for high school assignments. Not a morning person, and husband can't help dropping off the kids either. Good thing is that you can always put this one on your resume and emphasize the skills required, i.e., communication, management, etc. ;)

Our family is going on a 2-week vacation to China starting on the 28th. I haven't been back for almost another 10 years. Excited, also a little nervous...

Take care.