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Congratulations to you Zhang Zhehan for your new song “Sad Sunshine" (憂傷的晴朗), your "humblest dreams" and your unbelievable perseverance,battle and come-back from those darkness and desperate moments
張哲瀚新歌《憂傷的晴朗》,音質圓潤清亮,唱腔含蓄,外柔內剛,既內斂也噴薄,已經在世界上許多國家地區名列前茅,蘋果iTune 可購。給這位曆盡艱辛苦難羞辱磨礪而又才華滿滿、永不放棄的年青人支持和加油!活出這樣的精彩人生,艱難困苦,玉汝於成!
"Sad Sunshine" has a mellow and clear sound quality, a subtle singing voice, soft on the outside and strong on the inside, both restrained and burst of vitality. It has already ranked among the best in many countries and regions in the world, and can be purchased on Apple iTunes.
滾石郵管鏈接 Official YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LnMLLJZHCM