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許多人知道文學城裏有位專於評論的罷了; 另一位風格迥異的評論跟貼高手 Genesis 知道的人卻不是太多. 底下這段評論是近半年前在ZK博客裏讀到並收藏起來的 http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=200607&postID=19797 主貼是ZK佳作:"我的浪漫主義情結"
God is merciful. Men are not, unfortunately.
利 23:22 在 你 們 的 地 收 割 莊 稼 , 不 可 割 盡 田 角 , 也 不 可 拾 取 所 遺 落 的 , 要 留 給 窮 人 和 寄 居 的 。 我 是 耶 和 華 你 們 的 神 。
I remember Dennis Prager once talks about the romantic side of God, don't remember his examples though.
Some Jesws consider Psalms the holiest book of the entire holy Bible, yet Psalms is quite emotional. I always wonder why God has Song of Songs in the Bible. What for?
Faith is like love, you have to be romantic in order to enjoy love, by the same token, you have to be romantic in order to enjoy faith. I think that is exactly why God plants the seeds of love in our hearts. That's awesome.
My definition: if something is unworldly, it is probably romantic. Therefore, romance is the opposite of the world. But they don't fight against each other, rather they live in harmony. Being romantic helps you to walk your life in this world, walking your life in this world helps you to long for romance.
G 的這段評論是我見過他所有跟貼中的極品, 和他 “綠茶紅茶”一文相媲美. (http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=200610&postID=26014)
G 還有一首翻譯詩, 也是城中譯詩的上乘佳作. 那詩我就不貼了, 想鼓勵他寫自己的. 相信他能寫出非常好的詩來.
此貼為G而上, 也謹以此耐心等待CLEAR日出博客的重新噴薄開啟.
• 說的很好。 -九年級女生- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 4/14/07
• romance這裏和男歡女愛是同樣嗎?不是淫? -likellllll- ♂ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 4/14/07
• 看過,高手裏的精品,藏龍臥虎! -邰有才- ♂ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 4/14/07
• 與中國古人講得“非涸澤而魚,勿焚林而獵”相比,不見得高明 -上下求索- ♂ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 4/14/07
• 把以無知為基礎的信仰,片言隻語之善和浪漫攪在一起, -yunsousifang- ♂ (46 bytes) (13 reads) 4/14/07
• 你很無知.你隻關心是值不值錢. -邰有才- ♂ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 4/14/07
• 耳目一新. -海外小市民- (0 bytes) (1 reads) 4/14/07
• 他們中有海歸,有CEO/CTO, 都是很理性的白領階級。都曾經相信 -LeftBehind- ♂ (93 bytes) (29 reads) 4/14/07
• "If god doesn't like the way I live, let him tell me, not you." -likellllll- ♂ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 4/14/07
• 2. 受教徒感動 3. 對死亡及/或前路恐懼 4.經歷宗教神秘經驗 -likellllll- ♂ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 4/14/07
"愛神, 應該也是unworldly Love. 但人首先是從worldly Love 來學習如何愛, 然後,再進入unworldly Love 那個更高的境界。
人從一個境界進入另一個境界, 需要一些契機, 和許多修煉。 特別是放下自己, 挺不容易的" very nice, make sense to me. i will think it some more...
thank you all!
Romantic 等於unworldly, 很有道理:))
愛神, 應該也是unworldly Love. 但人首先是從worldly Love 來學習如何愛, 然後,再進入unworldly Love 那個更高的境界。
人從一個境界進入另一個境界, 需要一些契機, 和許多修煉。 特別是放下自己, 挺不容易的,俺覺得。
所以G說:something unworldly is probably romantic,很有道理的。Jesus and his words do not belong to this world, that's why God is romantic.
Thank God!
God is merciful. Men are not, unfortunately. 在上帝的仁慈麵前,隻覺的自己的狹隘,慚愧啊!
問好虔謙,並問ZK,Clear 和G好! 等待著繼續拜讀各位新作:))