2007 (337)
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2016 (2)
Song: Dreams
Artist: Cranberries
Oh my life is changing everyday
Every possible way
Though my dreams, it's never quite as it seems
Never quite as it seems
I know I felt like this before
But now I’m feeling it even more
Because it came from you
Then I open up and see
The person fumbling here is me
A different way to be
I want more, impossible to ignore
Impossible to ignore
They'll come true, impossible not to do
Impossible not to do
Now I tell you openly
You have my heart so don't hurt me
For what I couldn't find
Talk to me amazing mind
So understanding and so kind
You're everything to me
Oh my life is changing everyday
Every possible way
Though my dreams, it's never quite as it seems
'Cause you're a dream to me
Dream to me
Artist: The Cranberries
歌曲:夢中人 演唱:王菲
很多人都在感歎王菲的嗓音很特別,唱法也不同其他歌手。其實,如果你聽過The Cranberries的主唱Dolores的聲音,你就知道這種空靈的唱法究竟從何而來了。在大西洋西海岸那個略顯深沉的英倫世界,Dolores帶著她迷人的愛爾蘭氣質,以仿佛懸浮於高空的嗓音,總是“唱著一陣酸酸甜甜的風”。
首張專輯《Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?》在英國,美國及之後全球熱賣(自1993年發行至今,全球銷量已超過700萬張,在中國也有雙白金銷量),其中的單曲《Dreams》亦大熱並登上美國告示牌,後被王菲翻唱為《夢中人》。(摘自網絡)
Cranberry是一種微酸的小漿果,成熟後味道鮮美,但始終不改淡淡的酸味。或許這也是The Cranberries(中譯:卡百利樂隊或小紅莓樂隊)的寫照。樂隊來自愛爾蘭,這個有“最愛好自由”之稱的國家是以英語為主要語言的歐洲音樂重鎮,誕生了諸如U2、Sinead O’Connor、Enya等知名搖滾音樂人。
卡百利的三個主要成員Noel, Mike和Fergal都是在一個名叫“The Cranberry Saw Us”的樂隊中幹了大約半年。後來,這個樂隊的主唱Nial因為個人的原因,決定退出,為了不影響樂隊的正常發展,他把他的一個好朋友推薦給了樂隊,這個人後來成了卡百利樂隊最重要的人物,她就是Dolores(德洛麗絲),全名為Dolores Mary Eileen O’Riordan(德洛麗絲•瑪麗•艾琳•奧裏奧丹)。正式結成以後,Dolores的聲音立刻成為了樂隊的靈魂。(摘自網絡)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Cranberries are an Irish rock band formed in Limerick in 1990 under the name The Cranberry Saw Us, later changed by vocalist Dolores O'Riordan. Although widely associated with alternative rock, the band's sound also incorporates rock, post-punk and pop rock elements.
The Cranberries rose to international fame in the 1990s with their debut album, Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?, which became a high commercial success and sold over five million copies in the United States. The group was one of the most successful rock acts of the '90s. The band has achieved four top 20 albums on the Billboard 200 chart (Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?, No Need To Argue, To the Faithful Departed and Bury the Hatchet) and eight top 20 singles on the Hot Modern Rock Tracks chart ("Linger", "Dreams, "Zombie", "Ode to My Family", "Ridiculous Thoughts, "Salvation", "Free To Decide" and "Promises").