林貝卡 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2006-06-09 18:13:47) 下一個


我喜歡聽由Shannon 和Deb 主持的音樂節目,他們主要是播放一些經典的流行歌曲。每天去上班的路上,我都會打開收聽 。Shannon和 Deb是夫妻,他們的主持風格,輕鬆,幽默,風趣,配合的相當默契。他們也很熱情,我的孩子們去年在Persimmon Festival見到他們時,Deb邀請我的孩子們去參觀他們的演播廳。放寒假時,我帶著孩子們去看他們的現場直播,Shannon還讓我的兩個女兒坐在他的椅子上,教她們按鍵盤。

在播放流行歌曲的同時,也穿插一些聽眾和主持互動的節目,我最喜歡節目就是每天的Mission Impossible。 Shannon給Deb一個問題,由Deb回答,Shannon給Deb四次機會,如果她猜錯了,就由聽眾打進熱線電話來回答。今天的問題是:A recent poll found that 92% of women want a man who is...what?



Q: More than 56% of women claim this is their most embarrassing moment....
A: Getting drunk at the company Christmas party

Q: The cell phone is the #1 invention we love to hate.... what is #2?
A: The alarm clock

Q: On average, women think about this 43 times per day...
A: their hair

Q:According to a recent poll, 41% of women say their ideal man loves this, what is it?A: Sports

Q: According to research, the most misspelled word in online search engines is?
A: Restaurant

Q: Recent studies show that "Mommy" and "Daddy" are the first 2 words most babies learn to say.....what is the third?

Q: According to a recent survey, a week without this is more traumatic than moving or getting divorced....what is it?
A: E-mail

Q: Twice as men as women do this on a first date. What is it?
A: Say " I love you."

Q:When it comes to driving, women do this more than men...
A: Talk to their car

Q: What is the #1 thing men worry about right before they fall alseep?
A: Getting old

Q: Most people could not roll through their day without this. But you'll need a new one every 2 years on average, what is it?
A: Computer mouse

Q: This is the #1 phrase guys use to break up with a woman, what is it?
A: "I think of you like a sister"

Q: In a room full of 23 people there is a 50-50 chance that 2 will share this, what is it?A: They will have the same birthday

Q: On average a woman will spend $1134.00 a year on this, what is it?
A: Cosmetics

Q:According to a recent survey, 70% of respondents admit they hate having to sit through this, what is it?
A: Viewing other people's vacation pictures

Q: In a recent poll, adults were asked to finish this sentence..."When I was young and stupid, I once did this"...what was the #1 answer?
A: Married too young

Q: Researchers have found men would rather date a woman who has this, than a woman with good looks, what is it?
A: A cool/nice car

Q: Acording to a recent survey, 41% of moms say this would be their #1 dream job...what is it?
A: Best selling author/writer

Q:A recent survey asked:Besides love and money, what's the one thing you need to make you truly happy?" This was the #1 answer, what is it...
A: Sleep

Last but not least:
Q: A recent poll found that 92% of women want a man who is...what?
A: Dependable

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