
夕陽連雨足,空翠落庭陰。 看取蓮花淨,方知不染心。


(2007-03-19 11:23:39) 下一個

    昨天女兒習非常興奮地告訴我她的DT (Design Technology) 作品得了 95 分,這讓我很開心,也大感意外。

    雖然她拉小提琴和彈鋼琴時手指靈活總是被老師表揚,但由於平時家務活幹得少,做事情時手卻不靈巧。有一次她幫我削 3 個土豆,差不多用了 20 分鍾。看著她笨手笨腳的樣子,真有點哭笑不得。難道以她的水平,手工作品也能得高分?真有些不信啊。見我疑惑,她拿出總結報告給我看,讀完之後,除了為她學到了知識而欣慰,同時也對她的老師充滿了感激和敬意。



    到現在我也沒看到成品,但以我對她使用工具的能力判斷,成品一定不精致,而且跟據她所說的,這是件還沒有 100% 完成作品。以我以前上學的經驗看,如果在中國的學校,她能免強、混個及格也就不錯了,而在這裏老師卻給了她如此的高分,差別究竟在哪裏?






附:孩子的 DT Report

My project for DT this term is a barrel and wine. It works by first moving the two bars on the bottom into outer direction which gives input to the upper bars. Because of this force which made the bars behind the barrel enough force, the bars makes a horizontal line from the 60 degree angle it was making earlier. Since the two bars behind the angle is now a horizontal line, the long bar vertically attached to the two bars have enough height to make my wine stand up making it seem that whenever the barrel opens, the wine sticks out.

For this project, I believe I didn’t do as well as I planned. I got the idea from the egg and chick project that Mr. Edmonds showed us before the project started. First, I believe when I was making the cardboard model, I did not consider the facts that I’m going to use actually use masonite. Because of this mistake, my project did not move as easily as I thought it would be since masonite was actually hard unlike cardboard. I have to admit that I spent to much time cutting straight lines on my wood even though there was a machine that I could have used which could easily done the job for me.

One thing I believed I done pretty well was that my bars and the barrel were cut pretty well considering it was hand cut. The construction actually went pretty well since I knew what I was doing but soon, another problem encountered- I need to drill holes. Drilling holes using the drill press wasn’t hard but the lining up was a big problem. For example, I may be only need to drill one hole or two but the lining up takes at least 10 minute or more. Since class time has only 50 minutes in total. I always seem to be running out of time. I quickly solved this problem by asking to stay after school to work on the project. That way there is way less people and I were able to do most of my drilling. It’s not long before something else terrible has happened. When I was trying to attach my holes using the clips, I hammered it too hard so the parts broke. This meant that I have to REDO EVERYTHING again! I was lucky enough I have enough material left and I’ve cut some extra bars just incase.

The second time when I’m doing my project I was careful enough not to break anything and it worked but the vertical bar was another problem. The vertical bar caused a major problem because it was not thin enough to fit in the area of space I need it to fit in. So I had reattach everything just to fix the pins so I could have attach the bar on the back of the project. Gladly it worked but because there is so little time left when I finished attaching and finally finished my project, I didn’t have time to paint it.

From this project, I learned you should be careful and do well in EVERY step in the procedure, so that way you don’t have to redo the thing and waste time. I was kind of satisfied that I actually got to the finishing point (except for the painting) and next time, I hope that I can manage time even more better. 


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清靜蓮花 回複 悄悄話 回複graceusa的評論:

清靜蓮花 回複 悄悄話 小艾,你知道她最喜歡幹什麽嗎?day-dreaming

graceusa 回複 悄悄話 這句是重點:如果用不同的教育理念來教學,用不同的衡量標準去塑造,最後的結果一定有很大的差別。

艾麗思筆記 回複 悄悄話 偷偷告訴小蓮,我比較喜歡那些簡單的,不用動腦子的活兒,做的時候可以走神,可以胡思亂想:))
