
  • 博客訪問:


(2008-09-05 06:46:49) 下一個


一個自譽為少數民族, 勞動人民, 和廣大婦女撐腰的民主黨,居然從上到下對一個有5個孩子的母親,一個出身於中產階級家庭的職業婦女,一個老公是工會成員,兒子要上前線,自己還生了個有智障的高齡產婦,進行造謠中傷,無情打擊。可見民主黨左派極端分子都是些什麽貨色。說他們是烏合之眾真是便宜他們了。



這個口口聲聲說要改革, 到處說HILLARY好話的奧巴馬, 在考慮VP候選人時根本就沒考慮她,連個電話解釋都沒有。


佩林讓美國人看到真正的女強人是什麽樣的。一個五個孩子的母親真的可以, 並且可能, 有一天成為美國總統。






一些民主黨婦女代表人物和支持民主黨的一些著名的自由派女權主義者, 也不顧一切地, 對一個真能為婦女在政治領域裏為婦女說話的母親進行諷刺挖苦。





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gq 回複 悄悄話 奧巴馬-美國革命-造神運動

如果再有一黑人 喊出“More Changes”,我們是否選他還是Obama?

數月前,當肯尼迪(Edward Kennedy )在一競選集會上帶領眾人引吭高歌“Obama is our sunshine(奧巴馬是我們的陽光)”,我們情不自禁地回想起我們偉大祖國的嘹亮頌歌“東方紅,太陽升,中國出了個毛澤東”,仿佛回到了風雷激蕩的文 化大革命時代。
既使我們中國已不再搞大體育場或廣場之類的大型群眾集會,美國數百年也未曾有過。但是,今年是美國革命年,一切的一切都變了,因為我們迎來了美國乃至世界的大救星—Barack Hussein Obama(吧那個.侯賽因. 奧巴馬)。上周,我們美國80,000人民在Pepsi 大體育場, 洗耳恭聽 Messiah奧巴馬的聲調一浪高過一浪的布道與訓導。(估計如能當選美國總統, 要像當年毛澤東天安門上檢閱百萬紅衛兵一樣,在華盛頓舉行百萬人的 就職典禮和大遊行。美國乃至全世界放假一個月,以示隆重慶祝!)

Change,Change, Change, 聽上去就像祈禱一樣,不過我們祈禱,多有事求。而我始終不知這祈禱Change的內涵。奧巴馬從未給出答案。我也問過很多人,讓他/她們給我列出若幹具體的Change,無人能給出一個。奧巴馬究竟要 Change 什麽???把Chicago的腐敗政治帶到華盛頓?將他的老婆工資再漲160%倍?再寫信給國會撥款給Rizco,然後再讓Rizco 送他一套Mansion? 我想奧巴馬所要的最核心的Change是,通過這場造神運動,把他Change 成美國總統。

但問題是,他從未領導過一個哪怕最小的行政單位,又沒有任何可以誇耀的成就,(在Illinois , 他在超過170項議案上投了 present,在參議院他未有一個提案)他這樣一個既無經驗,無作為,又無建樹,更無道德的人(有很多曆史疑點待查),如何讓人相信他? 極左翼民主黨頭目們讓我們投他的票,僅僅因為他的半黑的皮膚??

如果選了他,不就隻是促進了整容業的發展, 越來越多的人Change自己的膚色成黑色,去享受AA 法去上Ivy 名校,去享受黑人才能獨享的種種照顧,去所向披靡地去參選總統?

如果選了他,不就是鼓勵政治投機,投機取巧嗎? 如果再過 若幹年,再有一個初出茅廬的黑人振臂一呼,喊出“More Changes”, 我們是不是要再次響應極左翼民 主黨頭目們的號召,呼擁而上,再造化一個比奧巴馬 更耀眼的新神?


(1) McCain是個英雄,心口如一,光明磊落。Palin是和我們一樣的平民出身,敢和邪惡腐 敗勢力抗爭,正派清廉,政績斐然。

(2)我們無法Trust Obama ,他從哪裏來?他要把美國往哪裏帶?他是一個美國自建國以來最無經驗,也未經過vetting的總統侯選人。左翼媒體 從一開始就給了他a Free Pass, 這在美國曆史上是極為罕見的。主流媒體本身就是一個值得探究的Story, 徹底改變了我們對主流媒體的印象。左翼主流媒體對奧巴馬的明目張膽的縱容與偏袒和奧巴馬對Clintons的無理攻訐,漫罵與詆毀,這些也是促使我們投奧巴馬反對票的原因之一。

(3) 追溯美國曆史,從未有極左翼民主黨人或極右翼共和黨人贏得總統大選。原因之一,極端化的總統侯選人會 激發 對立麵Base的投票熱情。


(4) 曆史證明,國會與總統不宜屬與同一政黨。看看Polosi等領導的眾參兩院低至9%的Approval Rate,是數十年來通過立法最少的國會,而Polosi一直力挺奧巴馬,你就知到道再選一個奧巴馬會有多大的危險。(不過對中國或許是個利好,因為“海龜”回流會大幅增加。)

(5) 從來沒有救世主,不要太相信政客。政客越是信誓旦旦,花言巧語,越是要警惕。 奧巴馬的滿嘴跑火車,語言花花緑緑,開得空頭支票最多,但就是無真實內容,還經常根據形勢需要,改變自己的說法(這也是他標榜的Change, we can)。

(6) 奧巴馬是民主黨曆史上最大的分裂者,他已使很多老民主黨人喪失信心,造成了影響久遠的混亂。我們所知道的不少人因這次初選已決定脫離民主黨。(感謝Clintons的大度與Grace,否則*黨的情形會更糟。如果尊敬的讀者知道EdwardKennedy與 Carter的1980初選,而後Carter慘敗給Regan 這一段史實,就會知道我所說的緣由。 )

P.S. 我有個同事他的名字中也含有Hussein(侯賽因), 他最近叮囑我和他的其它同事,不要再喊他Hussein, 因為奧巴馬也不讓叫了。估計Hussein 會很快從字典中刪除,也好,少記一個單詞。:=)

what11 回複 悄悄話 ARE YOU KIDDING ME???
偶燈斯陋 回複 悄悄話 回複yulaner的評論:Re "老兄已斷下結論 “馬坎與布什錢泥是有不同的,但佩林跟他們太相像了”??"
"老兄"? Thanks, but no thanks! ;-)
using "我們" instead of "我" is because I KNOW that I am not alone in believing M/P=bush/cheney which is disastrous to USA and we are quite fed up with it!
Not to mention in general, GOP is much hostile to immigrants than others. Legal or illegal they think you are the same.
in today's mouse-clicking convenience and info transparency you don't need spend months and months to studying a VP candidate--just check her track record and you know what you've got.
We don't need a book-banning, creationism in science curriculum, war-advocating Palin as a VP for sure.
mister986 回複 悄悄話 佩林的水平也太差勁了。難怪大家在討論副總統候選人應該有個最低標準。
武勝 回複 悄悄話 If Sarah Palin is the best, please let McCain retired and choose her as the president candidate. Or, you still take her as a lipstick, although not a perfect lipstick. Don't you(republicans) feel bragging too much about her? Still, the pig does not change.
Bulebarry 回複 悄悄話 Reagan was the best president of USA. His son wrote this article. What do you(Obama's Fans) think about Palin after you read it?

Welcome Back Dad
By Michael Reagan September 4, 2008

I've been trying to convince my fellow conservatives that they have been wasting their time in a fruitless quest for a new Ronald Reagan to emerge and lead our party and our nation. I insisted that we'd never see his like again because he was one of a kind.

I was wrong!

Wednesday night I watched the Republican National Convention on television and there, before my very eyes, I saw my Dad reborn; only this time he's a she.

And what a she!

In one blockbuster of a speech, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin resurrected my Dad's indomitable spirit and sent it soaring above the convention center, shooting shock waves through the cynical media's assigned spaces and electrifying the huge audience with the kind of inspiring rhetoric we haven't heard since my Dad left the scene.

This was Ronald Reagan at his best -- the same Ronald Reagan who made the address known now solely as "The Speech," which during the Goldwater campaign set the tone and the agenda for the rebirth of the traditional conservative movement that later sent him to the White House for eight years and revived the moribund GOP.

Last night was an extraordinary event. Widely seen beforehand as a make-or-break effort -- either an opportunity for Sarah Palin to show that she was the happy warrior that John McCain assured us she was, or a disaster that would dash McCain's presidential hopes and send her back to Alaska, sadder but wiser.

Obviously un-intimidated by either the savage onslaught to which the left-leaning media had subjected her, or the incredible challenge she faced -- and oozing with confidence -- she strode defiantly to the podium and proved she was everything and even more than John McCain told us.

Much has been made of the fact that she is a woman. What we saw last night, however, was something much more than a just a woman accomplishing something no Republican woman has ever achieved. What we saw was a red-blooded American with that rare, God-given ability to rally her dispirited fellow Republicans and take up the daunting task of leading them -- and all her fellow Americans -- on a pilgrimage to that shining city on the hill my father envisioned as our nation's real destination.

In a few words she managed to rip the mask from the faces of her Democratic rivals and reveal them for what they are -- a pair of old-fashioned liberals making promises that cannot be kept without bankrupting the nation and reducing most Americans to the status of mendicants begging for their daily bread at the feet of an all-powerful government.

Most important, by comparing her own stunning record of achievement with his, she showed Barack Obama for the sham that he is, a man without any solid accomplishments beyond conspicuous self-aggrandizement.

Like Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin is one of us. She knows how most of us live because that's the way she lives. She shares our homespun values and our beliefs, and she glories in her status as a small-town woman who put her shoulder to the wheel and made life better for her neighbors.

Her astonishing rise up from the grass-roots, her total lack of self-importance, and her ordinary American values and modest lifestyle reveal her to be the kind of hard-working, optimistic, ordinary American who made this country the greatest, most powerful nation on the face of the earth.

As hard as you might try, you won't find that kind of plain-spoken, down-to-earth, self-reliant American in the upper ranks of the liberal-infested, elitist Democratic Party, or in the Obama campaign.

Sarah Palin didn't go to Harvard, or fiddle around in urban neighborhood leftist activism while engaging in opportunism within the ranks of one of the nation's most corrupt political machines, never challenging it and going along to get along, like Barack Obama.

Instead she took on the corrupt establishment in Alaska and beat it, rising to the governorship while bringing reforms to every level of government she served in on her way up the ladder.

Welcome back, Dad, even if you're wearing a dress and bearing children this time around.
lianggeren 回複 悄悄話 是啊,,民主黨就是共產黨,博主還真是天真爛漫型...
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複“六月六”的評論:


“六月六” 回複 悄悄話 不要用什麽“大耳光”, “大耳切子”, 大背跨等等欠文明的字眼。如果說非要用這些字眼的話,我倒真想給共和黨一記響亮的耳切子!
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複胡渙的評論:


胡渙 回複 悄悄話 你說“華人移民也有好幾類,象你我屬於留學生移民,靠自己雙手自力更生奮發圖強。我們當然要捍衛我們個人奮鬥的果實。但有的移民是親屬移民或政治避難,還有不懂英文,沒文化,沒學曆,沒工作能力的,當然想跟著民主黨蹭車。這些人年紀不小了,在國內也是邊緣人,經曆過文革,腦子裏還是階級鬥爭,民主黨的社會主義和左派自由主義理念對他們來說是很受用的。有的人來美國就是來蹭吃蹭喝的。能不交稅,拿福利,還有錢往家寄,這美國不是天堂是什麽。”

mister986 回複 悄悄話 隻不過是為了迎合失望的女性選民 -
lianggeren 回複 悄悄話 一些美國人一輩子能去一趟墨西哥和加拿大就不錯了,就象佩林,總認為美國是最好的,並沾沾自喜.



xm1982 回複 悄悄話 回YULANER的評論,



嗎?她自己也覺的很幹尬,McCain 選了她,實在是個敗筆.

幸*運*草 回複 悄悄話 回複noso的評論:
樓主說得太對了, 一針見血! 這種人就是太可惡了,他們在外麵將自己扮成可憐西西的就想多得點福利. 自己不求上進就算了, 看別人的勞動成果又眼紅. 什麽心態嗎?
yulaner 回複 悄悄話 回複lianggeren的評論:


noso 回複 悄悄話 回複yulaner的評論:




lianggeren 回複 悄悄話 TO NOSO:個人奮鬥和一個健全的社會保障體係有根本的矛盾嗎?




yulaner 回複 悄悄話 回複xm1982的評論:

“As a VP, is she ready ? i do not know Bush doctrine, but she should know‘

看一看今天絕大多數的美個大媒體評論就知 - 佩林對Bush doctrine 的回答還是得體的, 她要求問方給於”Calirification“ 佩林說:"In wht respect, Charlie?" , 因為有太多不同的version of Bush doctrine. 光看左派媒體是不夠的 - 如佩林真那麽爛的話, 還值得媒體那麽窮追猛打嗎, 大眾早就對佩林不肖一顧了
yulaner 回複 悄悄話 回複路過不錯過的評論:
'又及,佩林給我的感覺就像 Home Owner Association 裏的社區活動熱心者。比Hillary差了好些檔次。人是好人,但當總統的後備,好像有點過了。不過我覺得McCain這招還是蠻不錯的。有助於消除他陳腐的老麵孔形象。但當辯論開始的時候,誰是真牛就不是這麽容易裝的了。"

我有同感。問題是Hilary is out. 我想佩林, 一個美國最大州的民選州長, 還是該有點能力的吧, 比 奧巴馬 當正總統也不見得差吧。 她可是沒有背景, 沒有家庭背景、沒有錢財背景、沒有丈夫背景、沒有任何elite 關係, 靠的就是“Home Owner Association 裏的社區活動熱心者” 的personality 和determination. 靠的是一個普通女性的奮鬥精神, 從市長到州長。 就憑這一點, 無論她最終當選還是不當選, 都是被值得尊重的, 尤其會是一個被值得尊重的工作女性, 一個母親, 她也已創造曆史了。
yulaner 回複 悄悄話 回複偶燈斯陋的評論:


我看“我們這些新移民” 應該改用“我這個新移民”吧, 光這個版麵就有不少不同聲音啊。 當絕大多數美國人還要對佩林多了解、多聽多研究時, 老兄已斷下結論 “馬坎與布什錢泥是有不同的,但佩林跟他們太相像了”??
yulaner 回複 悄悄話 回複thelost的評論:

大家有共同興趣才來此各抒己見, 各抒對大選、對兩黨的“己見”, 最好不要對發言人本人進行評論以至人身攻擊。 這麽說別人, 那自己又是什麽呢?
yulaner 回複 悄悄話 回複lianggeren的評論:


哎不知你來美多少年、平時都和那些人交往。 千萬別誤會我問的意思。 隻是奇怪怎麽還有對大多數華人新移民不是問題的上述問題呢。 太多太多80 、90 年代來美的華人新移民早已看穿、厭倦了所謂民主黨的“劫富濟貧”用納稅人錢養懶人和非裔的政策了。 民主黨所謂的少數民族根本不包括華裔、韓裔、日裔等, 隻有非裔最得利, 如臭名昭著的平權, 華人孩子還受限製, 而非裔孩子低分一大截就錄取名校, bet奧巴馬夫婦當初也是低分進的常春藤名校。 可以說很多來自大陸的移民站在民主黨一邊是受其來自大陸自小受共產黨影響的緣故-共產黨的理念是非常好的, 不得不承認的一個事實是”大陸的右派往往到美國後成了左派“, 本人不予置評, 每人情況不同。 在此隻是對上一論斷發表見解而已。 Bottom Line- 共和黨政策對凡在美國有decent job , 尤其在美受過研究生以上教育的華人比民主黨有利。
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複路過不錯過的評論:

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複lianggeren的評論:


lianggeren 回複 悄悄話 你下麵的這篇文章出自何處呢?好吧,布什也好,高中在學校裏排名倒數的麥凱恩,還有這個佩林,都批評別人太“elite" -- 所以,一屆又一屆,美國選擇牛仔,智力低於一般人的人當政 -- 這正是美國的可悲之處。也才有了今天的下場。


美國南方人的觀念裏是不相信政府的,不願意交稅,自己用來福槍保衛自己。。。所以,最後生病要自己抗,孩子也受不到良好的教育 -- 不受教育則再重複父輩的生活。。。就這麽簡單。。。


美國號稱世界最強最富,那是指那些壟斷資本家,或許至少要象麥凱恩那樣娶個千萬富翁的女兒--你才不用為普通醫療和教育發愁。可憐的美國人到現在也沒有“全民健保“ -- 這是台灣的說法,台灣是一夜之間改變的,靠什麽????稅收呀,而且大多是有錢人納稅。。。看看歐洲,特別是北歐,甚至美國的北方窮親戚加拿大,你就相信劫富濟貧是真的 --全民醫療保健,老年人和孩子更是被照顧的無微不至, 這是一個現代發達社會保障係統必須的 -- 當然,還要監督政府不亂花錢。

noso 回複 悄悄話 Palin Slams Expose the Real Democrats

Friday, September 12, 2008 3:01 PM

By: Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

For two weeks, Democrats and their media allies have leveled scorching fire at Sarah Palin. It's not having much effect, but they keep at it anyway.

The latest Fox News poll shows Palin with a 54-27 favorable/unfavorable ratio, which compares well with Barack Obama's 57-36, John McCain's 60-33 and Joe Biden's 51-29. (Of the four, she's the most popular).

Why do Democrats feel so threatened? They've even stopped attacking McCain and President Bush to launch a vicious and sexist barrage at her that would normally make a feminist angry and a Democrat blush.

Basically, it's this: John McCain only endangers Democratic chances of victory this November, but Sarah Palin is an existential threat to the Democratic Party.

She threatens a core element of the party's base — women.

When African-Americans like Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, or Condi Rice rise to prominence as a Republican, they endanger the Democratic coalition. So would a Republican labor leader.

And so, above all, does the woman Republican running for vice president.

Democrats can't stomach seeing the feminist movement's impetus for greater female political participation and empowerment "hijacked" by a pro-life woman who espouses traditional values. They must obliterate her, lest her popularity eat away at their party's core.

So the Democrats are hysterical in their attacks on her. South Carolina's Democratic Party chairwoman, Carol Fowler (wife of a national party chairman), said that the only qualification Palin had for vice president was that she hadn't had an abortion. Tabloids are digging up dirt on Palin's children. And liberal bloggers have suggested that Palin would neglect her children if she were elected (while the Democratic candidate has young children at home, too).

That liberals would resort to such blatant sexism shows their desperation.

But the Fox News poll of Sept. 8-9 indicates a deeper reality of Palin's popularity. On the question of which of the four candidates best understands what day-to-day life is like in America, Palin finished first, with 33 percent. (Obama drew 32 percent, McCain 17 percent and Biden 10 percent.)

She's not popular because she's a radical feminist or pro-choice advocate. It's because she understands what it's like to be a woman in 21st century America.

She's never ascended to the elite, so she doesn't need to stoop to conquer as most well-heeled feminist leaders must. She lives far from the plastic pseudo-reality where a fossilized ideology substitutes for human compassion and empathy. As such, she rises above the slogans of both the left and the right and proposes to bring to Washington a dose of reality — a taste of real life.

She may become the first woman in national office, yet the Democrats, feminists and liberals can't control her, and that burns them up.

Elections come and go, but Palin is a far more fundamental threat to the Democratic Party. And that's why they fear her so.
路過不錯過 回複 悄悄話 又及,佩林給我的感覺就像 Home Owner Association 裏的社區活動熱心者。比Hillary差了好些檔次。人是好人,但當總統的後備,好像有點過了。不過我覺得McCain這招還是蠻不錯的。有助於消除他陳腐的老麵孔形象。但當辯論開始的時候,誰是真牛就不是這麽容易裝的了。
路過不錯過 回複 悄悄話 其實朱的演講是最差的。隻會打911一張牌,空洞無味的口號居多。佩林就比他強多了。McCain水平更高。不過奧巴馬才是我的最愛。因為McCain這樣的人才每次選舉都有。而奧巴馬,50年才有一個。上一個是肯尼迪。McCain是一個當年連George W 都贏不了的人。奧巴馬年紀輕輕,從默默無名到兩年內扳到誌在必得的Hillary. 靠的就是才華橫溢。相比之下,McCain就有多年的媳婦熬成婆的感覺。和嘴裏含著金匙出生,熬到70好幾的McCain比,誰更能代表美國夢呢?
xm1982 回複 悄悄話
As a VP, is she ready ? i do not know Bush doctrine,

but she should know
十一月小棉襖 回複 悄悄話 回複91468的評論:

This is the doctrine of the Republicans.

Economy is bad..let's cut taxes

Economy is good...great, that's because we cut taxes. Let's cut more.

Look at the track record of most recent republican presidents. Every single of them left a huge national debt. On the other hand, none of the democrat presidents did. Who is going to pay for the huge national debt if we keep cutting the taxes? The 6 years when we had a republican congress and a republican president, our national budget increased way g
reater than the time of Bill Clinton. Who is fiscally conservative and responsible? Certainly not the republicans.
huangshang 回複 悄悄話 佩林的提名是給民主政治一個響亮的大耳光.
偶燈斯陋 回複 悄悄話 佩林的提名是給民主黨一個響亮的大耳光嗎?
91468 回複 悄悄話 回複thelost的評論:
我同意你的意見: 責任大小其實不是重點; 兩黨各有長短,沒有懸殊的好壞.
風中秋葉 回複 悄悄話 我個人認為繼續讓現行政策無休止地進行下去是沒有出路的,與其讓老邁延續布什的政策不如讓那匹黑馬跑跑,看看有無新的出路,有些改變,有些新花樣未嚐不是好事呢!

lianggeren 回複 悄悄話 忍不住多說兩句。


“這個口口聲聲說要改革, 到處說HILLARY好話的奧巴馬, 在考慮VP候選人時根本就沒考慮她,連個電話解釋都沒有。


-- 你是說那個政黨推出了女性候選人就是進步???錯!!!麥凱恩推出的不是代表自由進步的女性,反而是退步保守的女性 -- 即使年輕漂亮也不能掩蓋這一點,這性別無關。。麥凱恩是想以假亂真。哈哈!

-- 沒有一個電話之類的就不要亂猜了。我也對希拉裏最後沒有勝出有些遺憾,但這就是遊戲規則。至少大麵上,克林頓夫婦顯示了風度勇氣和對這個政黨的忠誠 -- 表現無懈可擊!!!


lianggeren 回複 悄悄話 91468:如果每個人都有責任的話,共和黨要擔90%,民主黨控製國會才兩年。為什麽民主黨能贏得國會,也是大家逐漸認清了布什政府的真麵目。



我想問問NASO,你是對目前美國的困境一無所知呢?還是選擇性耳聾???你說你是支持佩林的反墮胎政策,鼓勵槍械政策,還是伊拉克戰爭是上帝旨意的政策,或者她完全不知道副總統的職責是什麽,或者她前後矛盾的“bridge to nowhere"項目,還有現在扮可憐,獨自不願麵對媒體的態度。

麥凱恩要為他的:Beauty Queen選擇付出代價的,

thelost 回複 悄悄話 那誰的責任大呢?


noso 回複 悄悄話 回複91468的評論:

well said. Thanks.

文革遺毒,見多不怪。: )
91468 回複 悄悄話 回複thelost的評論:

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複thelost的評論:


thelost 回複 悄悄話 博主不僅是小氣,更是不善。


noso 回複 悄悄話 回複mister986的評論:

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複林韻的評論:




mister986 回複 悄悄話 瘋狂的佩林聲稱要對俄羅斯開戰。第三次世界大戰就不遠了。
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複托尼福的評論:




林韻 回複 悄悄話 haha..............服了你了


過去6年裏上了5個colleges。。。很不錯,當 總統時至少可以閱讀文件了。。。哈哈
托尼福 回複 悄悄話 頂!說得痛快!
chaya 回複 悄悄話 聳人聽聞的 Title...
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複laojie的評論:

there is no set definition of the "Bush Doctrine." Neither George Bush nor anyone in his Administration ever defined the putative Bush Doctrine. There has been an accumulation of ideas and principles that have been layered over the years and that the term the "Bush Doctrine" supposedly defines.

Now, what do you expect her to answer:

"yes I support?"

You can't support something you don't even know what it is.

Palin did a great job to let Gibson define the meaning of "Bush Doctrine" again.

This term is first time mentioned in media ever, no one knows what Gibson was talking about if he didn't explain what he meant.
laojie 回複 悄悄話 回複lianggeren的評論:
昨晚電台上,她不知道什麽叫“Bush doctrine”. 主持再三說她答非所問。
noso 回複 悄悄話 NEW YORK (CNN) -- Campaigns are ugly. Watching the way politicians act makes you long for the respect and self-control of the Sopranos. Throughout, there are legitimate attacks and outright lies.

Every once in a while, I get a call on my radio show from someone telling me that Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim, who admitted it in an interview with George Stephanopoulos, and has a fake birth certificate. No, no, and no. As I tell them, there are legitimate reasons not to vote for Barack Obama, no need to make them up.

But the newest target is Sarah Palin. Let's take a quick look at just a fraction of what she has faced in her first few days as John McCain's choice for vice president. iReport.com: Do you think Palin is being treated unfairly?

"Sarah Palin believes God told her to go to war with Iraq!"

There has been some hard-core journalistic malpractice on this one. The Associated Press ran this headline about a speech she gave at her church: "Palin: Iraq war 'a task that is from God'"

In the story, they omit the first part of the sentence they're quoting along with the entire previous sentence for good measure.

Here are her actual words: "Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending them out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

Palin is clearly praying that we're doing the right thing in Iraq, something sensible for an introspective woman of faith concerned about the lives of our troops to do. She's not saying that she just received a text message from heaven's BlackBerry ordering her to launch missiles. Sorry to disappoint you.

And for those of you who think politicians asking God for guidance is offensive, might I remind you of this famous politician's prayer:

"Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will." --Barack Obama

"She has no experience!"

It's fair to assume that Barack Obama believed he was qualified to be in the White House when he announced he was running for president. At that point, he had been a U.S. Senator for 767 days. When Sarah Palin was announced as a vice presidential candidate, she had been the governor of Alaska for 634 days.

While I'm sure those extra 133 days were filled with personal discovery, I can't imagine anyone seriously trying to make the case that Obama is experienced and Palin isn't.

Unless, of course, you're Matt Damon, who said a Palin presidency would be a really "scary thing" because she has been "governor of Alaska for...for less than two years!" (Damon originally expressed his presidential preference for Obama in December 2006, when he had been a senator for less than two years.)

More importantly, Palin's career has been filled with executive experience. She's the only one of the four in this race who has run a business, town, and/or state (a state that gives her crucial energy experience in the middle of an energy crisis).

When Obama's campaign complains that Palin would be one heartbeat away from the presidency, they should consider that their candidate would be zero heartbeats away.

"But Obama is running a huge campaign -- Palin was just a small town mayor!"

Believe it or not, this one was actually trotted out by Obama himself.

"My understanding is, is that Gov. Palin's town of Wasilla has, I think, 50 employees. We've got 2,500 in this campaign. I think the budget is maybe $12 million a year. We have a budget of about three times that just for the month."

Apparently, Barack missed that she's become the governor of Alaska in the interim. Why would he compare his current duties with her former duties?

Well, since he announced his candidacy, Barack Obama has raised about $22 million a month. That's a large organization for sure, unless you are directly comparing it to Sarah Palin, who is handling state revenues that are about 61 times as large, or more than $1.3 billion per month.

"Palin only supports abstinence to be taught in sex-ed!"

This claim is usually followed by a super classy comment about her daughter and the use of contraception, but the premise is false. Palin hasn't said she doesn't want condoms discussed in sex-ed, calling their discussion "relatively benign."

"I'm pro-contraception, and I think kids who may not hear about it at home should hear about it in other avenues. So I am not anti-contraception. But, yeah, abstinence is another alternative that should be discussed with kids. I don't have a problem with that," Palin said. Hers is hardly an extreme point of view in America today.

"If she cares about children with special needs, then why did she cut spending on them by 62 percent?"

Actually, Palin almost tripled their funding in only three years from $26,900 per student to $73,840 per student.

Incidentally, the amount of government money you spend on a specific group doesn't equal the amount you care for that group, but that's another story for another column.

All of these represent just a small percentage of the bizarre collection of claims being thrown at Palin by her opponents and some in the media -- who are desperately hoping something will stick. I leave you with my favorite so far: The Internet rumors that she harbors racism against Eskimos. If true, she sure has a strange way of expressing it -- her husband, Todd, is half Yupik Inuit Eskimo.

To balance that out, she must really love his other half.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複lianggeren的評論:

每個人的經曆和政治覺悟是不同的, 政見不同,不等於你死我活。

lianggeren 回複 悄悄話 知道你是為了吸引眼球才會起這麽低俗的標題,你用了許多詞來形容佩林的可憐,實際上她是鳳姐型的人物,你的同情用錯了地方,她打壓起手下來可是比男人還利害,但願你不要碰到槍口上。要是說裝可憐就可以當總統,美國街頭的女人多著呢!!!


noso 回複 悄悄話 回複mister986的評論:


注意: 請不要在評論中留下不友好信息或者類似侮辱性的言辭。
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複流沙隨風的評論:

奧巴馬當個群眾性組織者沒人能比。如此而已。: )

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複秋天的紅葉的評論:

Thanks, I think it will be very interesting too.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複tristateMD的評論:

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複十一月小棉襖的評論:

I rather have a strong woman to be the President someday than some weak man like Obama who can't make up his mind.

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複laojie的評論:

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複ply的評論:




mister986 回複 悄悄話 博主真是小氣,一點不同意見都不能容忍。
laojie 回複 悄悄話 佩林隻不過替本來不投奧巴馬票的人找了一個借口。讓他們自欺欺人的以為他們並不是看種族投票。利用種族偏見是共和黨今年唯一的稻草。
偶然路過的人 回複 悄悄話 佩林的提名是給民主黨和共和黨一邊一個響亮的大耳光.

加油打, 反正奧運會結束了, 閑著也是閑著, 正好看熱鬧.

十一月小棉襖 回複 悄悄話 I am very sorry that you reached such conclusion. The democrats attacked her because she has no, absolutely no experience of handling international affairs. Read the excerpt of her interview with Charlie Gibson today and you will reach the same conclusion. A 15 year old would have given a better answer. She implies that we may go to war with Russia if Georgia joins the NATO and need our help. We cannot afford to have people like Sara Palin to run country based on her faith, not on the basic knowledge of international affairs.

It is scary to have a VP like her to run this country someday. It has nothing to do with her gender, but her knowledge and ability.
流沙隨風 回複 悄悄話 佩林的提名的確是給了這幫偽君子一記響亮的耳光,可你想過沒有,美國社會真的可以接納女人做三軍統帥的總統了?


秋天的紅葉 回複 悄悄話 love you article, short, yet, to the point!

Can't wait for the debate!
Hate2register 回複 悄悄話 "共和黨這次做了屬於民主黨本來應該做的好事"- 說得對極了!Hillary is the best president candidate 但被迫出局,真不知那些支持 Obama 的人瞎了還是聾了,能說會道的Bush 還不夠我們受的?還要再上一次當,選個光會說的?
ncpga 回複 悄悄話 how can you compare Hillary with Jiang? That is so weird.

Hillary is the better choice for VP.
tristateMD 回複 悄悄話 希拉瑞不是真正的女性政治家。她若不是因為守著克林頓,憑她自己是走不到今天的。


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