ScottGu 2024-12-29 15:47:45
丘成桐和Gerard't Hooft兩位教授談論歐幾裏得幾何體係和邏輯,我不得不提醒有本質錯誤。 那些二、三流學者無法逆轉熵趨勢,所以救不了古羅馬。Elon Musk如果連鼠腦、貓腦都模擬不了,也不知道為什麽不能模擬,就不可能真正理解生命...
[ 閱讀全文 ]It is increasingly likely that AI will superset the intelligence
藍調 2024-12-29 21:27:16
It is increasingly likely that AI will superset the intelligence of any single human by the end of 2025 and maybe all humans by 2027/2028.Probability that AI exceeds the intelligence of all humans combined by...
[ 閱讀全文 ]藍調 2024-12-29 21:30:59
RONALD REAGAN: BUSINESS TAXES ARE A HIDDEN SALES TAX"When you and I were boys back in the Midwest, governments, federal, state, and local, were only taking about 15 cents out of every dollar earned.Today...
[ 閱讀全文 ]The best way to ensure that @CommunityNotes are as accurate 。。
藍調 2024-12-30 21:55:02
The best way to ensure that @CommunityNotes are as accurate as possible is to become a contributor.The system is completely decentralized and open source, both code and data. Any manipulation would show up li...
[ 閱讀全文 ]“There are some core pillars, core values that have, I think, ma
藍調 2024-12-31 22:52:45
Elon Musk: Meritocracy made America great. “There are some core pillars, core values that have, I think, made America great. One of them is being a meritocracy – as much of a meritocrac...
[ 閱讀全文 ]Elon Musk母親Maye Musk給中國朋友的新年問候及年度回顧
藍調 2024-12-31 22:59:52
1. 新年問候 2. 年度回顧
[ 閱讀全文 ]菲兒天地 2024-12-29 17:52:25
吉米·卡特總統(James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr.)今天下午(12月29日)在佐治亞州普萊恩斯(Plains)家中去世,享年100歲。 卡特總統的外交政策曾經在當時引起爭議,在任期內他積極尋求與中國建立良好的關係,為兩...
[ 閱讀全文 ]藍調 2024-12-29 21:19:55
Easily fixed by raising the minimum salary significantly and adding a yearly cost for maintaining the H1B, making it materially more expensive to hire from overseas than domestically.I’ve been very clear that...
[ 閱讀全文 ]America rose to greatness over the past 150 years。。。
藍調 2024-12-29 21:23:01
America rose to greatness over the past 150 years, because it was a meritocracy more than anywhere else on Earth.I will fight to my last drop of blood to ensure that it remains that land of freedom and opportunity....
[ 閱讀全文 ]xAI: warp speed cooling for our compute
藍調 2024-12-29 21:28:22
warp speed cooling for our compute— xAI (@xai) December 29, 2024
[ 閱讀全文 ]A truly reusable orbital heat shield has never been made, but 。。
藍調 2024-12-30 21:54:08
A truly reusable orbital heat shield has never been made, but I think SpaceX has a decent chance of solving it in 2025 and solving it well in— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) Decemb...
[ 閱讀全文 ]Elon Musk - CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX | Entrepreneurship
藍調 2024-12-30 22:08:40
Elon Musk - CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX | Entrepreneurship Apr 22, 2013
[ 閱讀全文 ]xiaxi 2024-12-31 08:07:02
回不去的是曾經,應該珍惜的是真情! 最近聽了作家劉震雲的一個演講,想起我曾看過他的小說《一句頂一萬句》(一部分是聽書)。前幾年回國時,一位作家朋友送了我這本《一句頂一萬句》。我年輕時喜歡讀書,現在讀書很少,也不善於寫書...
[ 閱讀全文 ]