1975年出生。Duke 政治和哲學專業畢業。然後去南非Peace Corp. (看到卡特總統的媽媽68歲-70歲在印度當義工護士照顧麻風病人。卡特家真不是裝的。是真的好人啊。)
Peace Corps
[edit]After graduating from Duke University, Carter served in the Peace Corps stationed in South Africa. In doing so he followed the example of his great grandmother, Lillian Carter (President Jimmy Carter's mother), who became a Peace Corps volunteer at age 68 and spent nearly two years in India working as a nurse with patients with leprosy. Jason Carter lived in Lochiel, South Africa, where he worked on education issues in rural areas. He learned to speak Zulu and Siswati.[4] He wrote a book, titled Power Lines, about his experiences there.[5]
2010-2015 當喬治亞州senetor. 2014 競選喬治亞州長,輸了。
2015: In November 2015, Jason Carter became Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Carter Center. He had previously served on the Board since 2009.[
現在:He is currently a partner at the law firm of Bondurant, Mixson & Elmore in Atlanta.[8] He has represented the National Football League Players Association[4] and won the Stuart Eizenstat Young Lawyer Award, given by the Anti-Defamation League, for his pro bono work defending voting rights.[9]
注意到 Stuart Eizenstat 剛也在葬禮上致悼詞了。所以,Jason得的這個獎,大概也是內部表揚性質。