剛才看了一下QB的流程, 和EA/ED是分開的。 所以大家在討論EA/ED比例的時候,不應該把QB和Legacy, Athelete 一樣算進去調整真實錄取率。
介紹上說,如果在12月初沒有被match上,還能再申請ED/EA, 不太明白具體規定,是不是就是插隊給二次考慮的機會了? 12月15號前再決定一次?似乎不通。
mportant note: If you apply to the National Match program and get selected as a finalist, you are not allow to apply ED or EA to any colleges. There are exceptions though (check the site for more information). If you are not selected as a finalist, you are free to apply ED and/or EA to any colleges of your choice.
Once everything is submitted to the 12 colleges you ranked, you will have to wait until early-mid December to get your results. If you are matched, then CONGRATS!!! You can now graduate college debt-free. If you are not matched, you have the option to apply early decision/REA to some colleges on your ranked list (it depends on the institution's policy). An additional form would need to be submitted to let the college know of your decision. All the colleges you ranked will reconsider your application in the regular decision pool.