Economics, Government, and Political Science are its fortes.

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回答: 這個是journalism 的名校成功的米菲兔2024-09-04 20:26:42

Its journalism program is strong but a well-kept secret.
When my kid was at Harvey Mudd, she met and had a long conversation with Michael Shear, a Claremont McKenna alum and a former Washinton Post reporter. At that time, my kid was contemplating a career as a journalist.
Michael Shear attended high school in our neighborhood.

One of its top programs is PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics).
Its program in accouting is also very strong.


以前有個陽光小中mudd cs + hmc Lit 雙學位 -米湯- 給 米湯 發送悄悄話 米湯 的博客首頁 (227 bytes) () 09/04/2024 postreply 21:56:30
