


You have been conditioned by your mother 

來源: One1618 於 2024-07-27 11:38:09  [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 10 次 (1071 bytes) 

to be in this mood. You have been in this mood for so long that is the only mood you know how to position yourself in and feel secure, even though it made you feel terrible.

People around you, including your daughter, play roles in the drama you created.

The only way to extricate yourself is YOU love yourself. DO NOT Expect anyone else to do the job for you!

That job should have been done by your mother long time ago. But she didn't do it. The time has long passed. You are the only one left if this job is to be done.

Put yourself as Priority #1. This is not being selfish. This is being responsible and accountable for yourself. So far you have been off-loading that burden onto your daughter by seeking her love that you didn't get from your own mother. You became a co-dependent she can manipulate and control just as your own mother did to you so long ago and still doing.

Reclaim your own life. You are worthy of your love. Don't leave that job to anyone else.

