電影是講耐克怎麽簽下剛剛大學畢業的喬丹的。耐克當時還不是超級大公司,這個deal 最終讓耐克脫胎換骨,也給喬丹帶來無數金錢。電影裏喬丹的媽媽非常敏銳,於是去查了一下。
喬丹大學第一年是數學專業,因為他媽媽告訴他 "There is always money in math"。當然他後來轉成地理專業。喬丹媽媽一次接受采訪是說她如何教育孩子,她說
“I knew I had to set the precedent. I took him to work and made him stay in the car all day and read. I could see him from the bank window. I wanted him to know I was always watching him. We went to lunch, and then after dinner, I knew a lady at the library, so he stayed there and read some more.”