She needs to love her self more.

來源: One1618 2024-07-22 15:37:45 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (829 bytes)


Her self-worth depends too much on the ones around her, who are like walking-mirrows through which she determines her worth.  But such reflections are not under her control, but under those who may or may not have her best interest in mind.

By loving herself more, she'd need less validations from others and from those As. She'd feel more control over herself, thus less panicky.

Ask her to, when encountering anything, feel herself first and then ask: what do I want at this moment? I do not have to say or do anything. Others can wait.

Get her a children's version of the Bible, one that fits her reading level. Not for religion but for knowledge and wisdom. She needs to position herself in the world.



