身高和壽命的關係是research shows, 大數據。對個人來說,各方麵做得健康,肯定對壽命有益

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Here are some biological factors that may contribute to the relationship between height and lifespan:
  • Cell replication
    Taller people need more cell replications to fill their bodies, which can lead to faster exhaustion. As people age, their bodies may have more difficulty repairing tissues, and taller people may no longer have replacement cells available to repair damage.
  • Exposure to toxins
    Taller people have more cells, which means more exposure to free radicals and toxins that can damage DNA.
  • Caloric needs
    Taller people may need more calories to function properly because they have larger internal organs and longer, heavier bones.
  • Enzyme mTOR
    In taller people, mTOR is usually more active during development, which may lead to faster aging in adulthood.
  • Gene FOXO3
    Some variants of the FOXO3 gene are associated with longevity in humans, and these variants are more common in shorter people.
  • Blood vessel length
    Longer blood vessels in taller people may increase the risk of clots. 


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