In the interview, you will be asked to tell a story ...

本帖於 2024-05-31 22:49:47 時間, 由普通用戶 Mike121212 編輯
回答: 這個怎麽看出來的? 簡曆?Rockeymountain2024-05-31 19:41:32

In the interview, you will be asked to tell a story about one thing you are most proud of that you have done in your life or about a situation where you had to resolve conflicts with others.
如果在五分鍾內你能把這件事清清楚楚頭頭是道地說出來 without exaggerations, grammatical errors, or the need to rephrase any of your sentences, you should be able to write very clearly and concisely.

那就是說, 如果把你說的話一字不改地打印出來,這段話就是一篇好的敘事文,通順, 條理清楚, 沒語病。

我們平常可以訓練孩子這個能力, 孩子也可以自己訓練。
