I don't recommend for undergraduates to get higher degrees (master or doctor) when they can't find good jobs. They can easily find part-time or full-time jobs for basic living. They will know real-world skills and knowledge and build up their careers for better jobs. The Chinese students focus on academic stuff too much and are lack of real-world experience. No more school is better for them.
no more higher degrees
• 就是路徑依賴。 -qiandongshenxia- ♂ (0 bytes) () 04/24/2024 postreply 08:00:19
• 航空航天不讀grad不行吧,本來缺就少,公司當然喜歡高學曆的啊 -zeno- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/24/2024 postreply 08:02:08
• 不同意。找不到工作總得找點事情做,讀學位繼續學習就是找點有意義的事做。否則整天無所事事,孩子的自信心很快被打擊 -HappyWed- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/24/2024 postreply 08:43:16