very warm, professional, and down to earth.
畫麵上看,校園好漂亮。Panel students都很陽光。
1), Don't push academics first, 不推薦 double major,有時間多參加課外活動,課外東西比課內東西重要;
2), 別過份追求GPA。對校友長期調查下來顯示,GPA3.0+以上,成就有點跟GPA成inverse relationship(有點shock,說得那麽直白);
3), Viterbi難念,會極大地challenge你,別指望像高中一樣拿A;但是Viterbi會幫你,隻要你願意work hard,不會讓你fail;
4), Collaboration and communication are at the center of Viterbi education; 學院文化非常好;
5), Encourage interdisciplinary studies, get out of your comfortable zone; Viterbi is a fail-safe environment.