昨天忙了一天:謝謝大家的祝福。最難match 的專科。


The Top Most Competitive Specialties in Medicine

Based on our comprehensive analysis, the top most competitive specialties are as follows:

  1. Plastic Surgery
  2. ENT
  3. Dermatology
  4. Orthopedic Surgery
  5. Neurosurgery
  6. Thoracic Surgery
  7. Urology
  8. Vascular Surgery
  9. Interventional Radiology
  10. Diagnostic Radiology

This ranking was determined by combining six categories of data that determine a specialty’s competitiveness. We utilized the latest US data from 2022, and we will update the list again as soon as new data becomes available in future years.

  • Match rank
  • Step 1 score
  • Step 2 CK score
  • Publications
  • AOA percentage
  • Top 40 NIH


最重要的是match 自己能夠勝任的專科。

次重要的是match 自己喜歡的專科。

能夠match 上自己喜歡而又勝任的任何醫學專科都要祝賀。


