Princeton does a thing called SCEA, or Single Choice Early Action. This is different compared to Early Action where it's nonbinding, unlike ED, can apply early like EA and ED, but there are restrictions that they can apply, unlike EA. For this case, Princeton does not allow you to apply to private schools early, meaning you can't apply to USC EA, but you can apply for UMich EA because it is a public university.
P is NO
哦,謝謝. P 和Y 大概都是SCEA.
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01/22/2024 postreply
Rea 是啥?為什麽S和usc可以同時申?
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01/22/2024 postreply
Restricted Early Action -- confused.
(895 bytes)
01/22/2024 postreply
暈,以前隻知道早申就隻能報一家,後來有人報EA M + ED 才知道還有這麽多花招,其實人算不如天算,還是最簡單最保險
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01/22/2024 postreply