“Class 2026 (2021-22申請年度)EA 14781, admit 697, defer 9488,deferral admission 176 (1.8%)”
以上是College Essay Guy 說的關於前年的數字。不是去年class 2027。MIT並未公布這個。這1.8%,是他根據下麵這個數據估算而已。
而MIT公布的,是下麵這個Class 2025的Ella T '25在admission blog裏說的數據:
August 26th, 2021
Once I got to MIT, I met more people who were deferred. Even though there were 10,673 applicants who were deferred, only 194 were accepted. That's 1.8%. I've heard a lot of things about this. Some said that we were the luckiest at MIT. Some said that we were the worst at MIT. I tried to embrace both. Now, I don't think either are true.