老大上幼兒園的時候,老師問每個人,For Thanksgiving’s question: what are you thankful for?He said: ‘I am thankful for my mom.’ “Ok, what else?” ‘I am thankful for my mommy.’ ‘All right, anything else?’ ‘I am thankful for my mother.’ 老師告訴我,真真切切,媽媽就是他的全部天地
老大上幼兒園的時候,老師問每個人,For Thanksgiving’s question: what are you thankful for?He said: ‘I am thankful for my mom.’ “Ok, what else?” ‘I am thankful for my mommy.’ ‘All right, anything else?’ ‘I am thankful for my mother.’ 老師告訴我,真真切切,媽媽就是他的全部天地
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