high deductible 的目的是為了放錢進HSA?



Who Can Open a Health Savings Account?

According to the federal guidelines, you can open and contribute to an HSA if you:6


  • Are covered under a qualifying high-deductible health plan which meets the minimum deductible and the maximum out of pocket threshold for the year
  • Are not covered by any other medical plan, such as a spouse's plan
  • Are not enrolled in Medicare
  • Are not enrolled in TRICARE or TRICARE for Life
  • Are not claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return
  • Have not used Veterans Administration medical benefits in the past three months (exceptions apply to veterans enrolled in a high-deductible health plan who either have a service-connected disability or have only accessed disregarded coverage and preventive services in the past three months).78
  • Do not have any disqualifying alternative medical savings accounts, like a Flexible Spending Account or Health Reimbursement Account


是的。 沒想到還有這個規定。 -快快樂樂- 給 快快樂樂 發送悄悄話 快快樂樂 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/13/2023 postreply 13:32:42
