這個是私校的普遍問題,文科放水尤其嚴重。Grade inflation 已經到了令人發指的地步,GPA對評價學生水平已經完全失去參考價值。名私的教育宗旨已經從鞭策學生通過努力追求卓越轉向讓學生獲得虛假的安全和優越感。現在即使是技校也出現選安全的水課保證高GPA上Dean's List, 而回避challenging 硬核課程的現象。長此以往美國本科教育水準堪憂。
The report found that the percentage of A-range grades given to college students in the 2020-21 academic year was 79 percent, compared to 60 percent a decade earlier. Mean grades on a four-point scale were 3.80 in the 2020-21 academic year, up from 3.41 in 2002-03.