想請教下大家十年級選課,孩子的高中成績是百分製的,普通課weight 1.0, Honor課1.05, AP課1.10。孩子打算以後大學申請數學、金融或者經濟方向。
現在十年級可以選English Language Arta Honor 2(weight 1.05)或AP seminar(weight 1.10),但是要求如果選的AP seminar就必須11年級要選AP research,那11年級時如果選AP language,那時候AP research 就會占掉一個general elective的位置,可能會有點影響選其他想選的AP。
想請教下大家,十年級要不要選這個AP semina+11年級AP research+12年級AP English literature,還是老老實實十年級就跟大部隊學English Language Arts Honor 2,然後等十一年級再選AP English Language,十二年級選AP English Literature.怎樣選可以讓GPA不落後最強的孩子們但是又可以讓選課顯得不缺少challenge?
AP Seminar Weight: 1.10 Credits: 5.0
Prerequisite: Average 90+ in ELA 1 & 570+ on PSAT EBRW Section
AP Seminar is a foundational course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives. Students learn to investigate a problem or issue, analyze arguments, compare different perspectives, synthesize information from multiple sources, and work alone and in a group to communicate their ideas. Open only to rising sophomores and is a two-year commitment (must also enroll in AP Research in junior year).
AP Research Weight: 1.10 Credits: 5.0
Prerequisite: AP Seminar
AP Research, the second course in the AP Capstone experience, allows students to deeply explore an academic topic, problem, issue, or idea of individual interest. Students design, plan, and implement a yearlong investigation to address a research question. Through this inquiry, they further the skills they acquired in the AP Seminar course by learning research methodology, employing ethical research practices, and accessing, analyzing, and synthesizing information. Students reflect on their skill development, document their processes, and curate the artifacts of their scholarly work through a process and reflection portfolio. The course culminates in an academic paper of 4,000–5,000 words (accompanied by a performance, exhibit, or product where applicable) and a presentation with an oral defense.