可以考慮CMU,很多大廠 UI / UX 的 feeder school

本帖於 2023-09-02 09:39:38 時間, 由普通用戶 兄貴 編輯

CMU 有HCI係和 HCI 研究所,課程多,https://www.hcii.cmu.edu/academics/courses  


根據 csrankings 在UX方麵的世界排名,CMU還行,一直沒掉下來:

# Institution                     Count  Faculty
1     Carnegie Mellon University  closed chart 113.7 47
2    University of Washington  closed chart 112.8 36
3    University of Toronto  closed chart 64.6 20
4    University of Michigan  closed chart 53.5 28
5    Georgia Institute of Technology  closed chart 47.0 35
6    University of Melbourne  closed chart 44.0 19
7    Monash University  closed chart 43.4 16
8    University College London  closed chart 42.3 19
9    Univ. of California - San Diego  closed chart 42.0 24
10    KAIST  closed chart 41.9 26
11   Stanford University  closed chart 41.8 17
12   Tsinghua University  closed chart 40.3 18
13   Univ. of California - Irvine  closed chart 38.4 21
14   Cornell University  closed chart 32.6 19
15   University of Copenhagen  closed chart 32.4 12
16   University of Colorado Boulder  closed chart 30.7 22
17   University of Waterloo  closed chart 30.3 10
18   University of Maryland - College Park  closed chart 30.2 24
19   Northwestern University  closed chart 29.0 14
20   Lancaster University  closed chart 28.2 14
21   Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  closed chart 27.1 24

根據top UX 網站的排名,排名第一的是 CMU HCI項目,第二的是 CMU 設計學院的項目:

其他如 Perplexity排名也有CMU,

There are several universities that offer top-quality UX design programs. Here are some of the best UX design universities based on the search results:

  1. Carnegie Mellon University
  2. Cornell University
  3. Georgia Tech
  4. MIT Media Lab
  5. Purdue University
  6. San Jose State University
  7. Stanford University
  8. University of Washington



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