
本帖於 2023-08-17 19:13:24 時間, 由普通用戶 trimtip 編輯
回答: 進來看剛查的老糊塗22023-08-17 18:52:25
Is California losing population 2023?
SACRAMENTO— Stable births, fewer deaths, and a rebound in foreign immigration slowed California's recent population decline in 2022, with the state's population estimated at 38,940,231 people as of January 1, 2023, according to new data released today by the California Department of Finance.May 1, 2023
What will California's population be in 2025?
42.5 million
NOTE: Population as of July of each year. Population gains are projected to continue. By 2025, California's population is projected to reach 42.5 million. Annual growth rates are expected to be just 1 percent, similar to growth experienced in the first decade of this century.