With slight eagerness, I grabbed Vasilikós who was now calming down, and ran down to the cafeteria area. I was at a loss of what to do with him, perhaps to the barn? Or was I simply not meant to take him out in the first place? Ramhorn had been taken out by Sophie; I didn’t really care what she went, however, now, it might reveal itself as a mistake. Looking around, I saw other familiar people, all of them seem just as confused as I, some people bundling a dragon in their arms, their small hind legs dangling down under them. Stressfully looking around, I realized that none of the dragons looked anything like Vasilikós, with all of the looking unique to one another. As the man turned the corner from the adjacent hallway, he menacingly stared at each and every one of us before barking.
His voice echoed around the tightly concealed chamber, his voice digging into me as if he was trying to guilt trip me. “C’mere! Bring your dragonets too.” He growled, his voice sounded almost scratchy which made me want to cough. I shook a bit, staring at the man, wondering if I should go to him, perhaps this was a threat? However, cautiously looking around, I strutted forward towards him as he narrowed his eyes at me, unnervingly specifically me, and muttered something under his breath that made the few light hairs on his chin quake. Nearing him, I slowed my pace, making sure to always stay a few feet away from him which was something the man seemed to notice and take a well-concealed offense. “Look,” he muttered, with less hostility than usual this time, “Either you find one of us officers to take your dragonet, or you bring them to the barn yourself.” Pausing slightly, as though he felt like he wasn’t rude enough before shouting, “NOW CHOOSE!”