“Penn CS is 2nd class citizen at Penn (Wharton is first-class)”
所謂二等 應該是說有受到差別待遇?
1. 一等的citizen 有專屬的宿舍(或可以優先申請)。
Penn的學生申請宿舍沒有誰有優先權的 商學院也沒有自己的宿舍 全部學生都是平等的。 倒是州大的honor學院有自己的宿舍 或是UCB的隻有regents有保障4年住宿?
從這點看來 UCB EECS沒拿到regents的大概算是2nd class citizen?
2. 一等的citizen 可以優先選課
Penn的學生沒有誰比peers可以優先選課的 有優先權的是高年級比低年級優先 (如果太多人選) 或有些課(例如CS課) CS的學生比其他學生優先。而州大honor 或是UCB regents的 可以比其他學生優先選課。
我兒子三年級的時候選了兩門商學院的課(聽説是熱門課 也沒不讓選啊) 上了兩個星期之後受不了了 說覺得說的東西都是common sense 繼續上浪費時間 就drop了
從這點看來 UCB EECS沒拿到regents的大概算是2nd class citizen?
3. 有人說Penn的商學院可以隨便轉到其他學院 但其他學院的不能轉到商學院
Students who wish to apply for an internal transfer between any of the four undergraduate schools should attend an information session or speak with an advisor in the school to which they are applying. Applicants should be prepared to discuss why the curriculum of the target school is a good fit for their academic interests and goals.
- Students are not eligible for transfer until they have completed 8 c.u. (or two semesters, whichever comes later) at Penn.
- Applications for internal transfer will not normally be considered after the end of the sophomore year.
- Students applying for internal transfer must be in good academic standing in their home school and should have no NR's or I's on their record.
- Internal transfers to any of Penn's undergraduate schools or divisions are not eligible to transfer again within the University.
- External transfers admitted to any of Penn's undergraduate schools or divisions are not eligible to transfer again within the University.
- Students in Penn's College of Liberal and Professional Studies are not eligible to apply for an internal transfer into the College of Arts and Sciences.
不知道Penn內部轉學院會不會優先於外校轉進來 每一年大概文理學院有1400人 商學院大概有500人 工學院大概有400人 護理學院大概有100人 如果有缺額 應該就能轉進。 但如果想轉進的人比缺額多 那就要看誰比較強了吧
至於UCB EECS 不是說到大三會從CC收1/3的轉學生? Penn在轉學這方麵是比不上UCB了