if a few other kids in the school get aime/usaco, and you don't, then you are at disadvantage.
if a few other kids in the same city/geographical area has it and you don't, then you are at disadvantage.
otherwise, doesn't matter too much.
if a few other kids in the school get aime/usaco, and you don't, then you are at disadvantage.
if a few other kids in the same city/geographical area has it and you don't, then you are at disadvantage.
otherwise, doesn't matter too much.
• 這要看各自的EC誰牛了,不一定非某一項。AO喜歡的不一定隻數竟。如果人家其他的成績也很好,也說明這孩子成績好,不必須數竟 -bobpainting- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/10/2023 postreply 08:49:38
• 每個孩子大多是做自己擅長的 -兩女寶媽- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/10/2023 postreply 09:04:35
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