I have a talk with one of my co workers. She said her son didn't choose to go to expensive ivy league school while his friend did. Now he lives better than the other because he paid nothing for college and the other guy still has debt to pay. The other guy went to Harvard and her son went to a HBC in our city, then graduate school at Isreal, doctoral degree in Jewish studies. Now he works for some Holocaust memorial foundation and got paid top dollars.
Wow, a black man works for the wealthy Jews?
Is this something revealing to you?
I can't find a single reason to tell her why I want my children to go to Harvard instead of that free to super cheap college next door to my house. I'm literally speechless. I can't recount her.
People's fates are not decided by the college they go to, it's luck. With no rhyme, no reason, some people just fair better than the others. Maybe they happened to find the right niche for themselves.
The lady I talked to went to Colombia university to be a teacher. She has been teaching at public elementary school for 35 years. She said Colombia's teacher college actually wasn't that good. She went there because she's from NYC.