chatgpt vs 螞蟻

來源: wlwt123 2023-02-05 20:47:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4096 bytes)
write an essay about an oversized ant who likes to make his own ranking of colleges and spit out contriversial viewpoints about everything from chinese people ain't chinese to aliens will one day occupy the earth

An Oversized Ant's Unique Views on Education and Society

In a world of conformists, one ant stood out from the crowd. This ant was not only larger than the average ant, but he also had a unique perspective on the world around him. He was known for making his own ranking of colleges and spitting out controversial viewpoints on a wide range of topics.

One of his most distinctive views was on education. The oversized ant believed that traditional methods of ranking colleges were outdated and flawed. He felt that a true measure of a college's worth should take into account a variety of factors, such as the quality of the professors, the resources available to students, and the overall campus culture. With this in mind, he set out to create his own ranking system, which he claimed was more accurate and reflective of the reality of each college.

However, it was not just his views on education that set the oversized ant apart. He also had some bold opinions on society as a whole. For instance, he was known to argue that Chinese people were not really Chinese and that aliens would one day occupy the earth. While these views were certainly controversial, the oversized ant was never afraid to express his opinions, no matter how unpopular they may be.

Despite the sometimes polarizing nature of his views, the oversized ant remained unapologetic and always stood by his beliefs. He was a fearless advocate for what he believed in and was never afraid to challenge the status quo. His unique perspective and fearless spirit made him a beloved figure to some and a controversial figure to others.

In the end, the oversized ant's views on education and society may have been unconventional, but they were a reflection of his unique perspective on the world. He will always be remembered as a fearless voice of dissent in a world that too often rewards conformity. His story serves as a reminder that it is important to challenge the status quo and to think for ourselves, even if our opinions are unpopular or unpopular.



在循規蹈矩的世界裏,一隻螞蟻脫穎而出。 這隻螞蟻不僅體型比一般的螞蟻大,而且看世界的眼光也很獨特。 他以自己對大學進行排名並就廣泛的話題發表有爭議的觀點而聞名。

他最獨特的觀點之一是關於教育。 這隻超大螞蟻認為,傳統的大學排名方法已經過時且存在缺陷。 他認為真正衡量一所大學價值的方法應該考慮多種因素,例如教授的素質、學生可用的資源以及整體校園文化。 考慮到這一點,他著手創建自己的排名係統,他聲稱該係統更準確,更能反映每所大學的實際情況。

然而,讓這隻超大螞蟻與眾不同的不僅僅是他對教育的看法。 他對整個社會也有一些大膽的看法。 例如,眾所周知,他爭辯說中國人不是真正的中國人,外星人總有一天會占領地球。 盡管這些觀點肯定存在爭議,但無論這些觀點多麽不受歡迎,這隻超大螞蟻從不害怕表達自己的觀點。

盡管他的觀點有時會兩極分化,但這隻超大螞蟻仍然沒有道歉,並始終堅持自己的信念。 他是自己信仰的無畏倡導者,從不害怕挑戰現狀。 他獨特的視角和無所畏懼的精神使他成為一些人喜愛的人物和另一些人的爭議人物。

最後,這隻超大螞蟻對教育和社會的看法可能是非常規的,但它們反映了他對世界的獨特看法。 他將永遠被人們銘記,因為在一個經常獎勵從眾的世界中,他是一個無所畏懼的異議者。 他的故事提醒我們,挑戰現狀和獨立思考很重要,即使我們的觀點不受歡迎或不受歡迎。


哇哈哈哈。。。 -米格菲- 給 米格菲 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/05/2023 postreply 20:54:26

螞蟻這篇寫的比其他兩篇都好。LOL -靜聽秋雨- 給 靜聽秋雨 發送悄悄話 靜聽秋雨 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/05/2023 postreply 20:54:45

笑暈,最後一段,八股味道了 -zaocha2002- 給 zaocha2002 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/06/2023 postreply 02:44:43

garbage in, garbage out.. -borisg- 給 borisg 發送悄悄話 borisg 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/06/2023 postreply 03:12:26

主流媒體八股。不錯。 -大號螞蟻- 給 大號螞蟻 發送悄悄話 大號螞蟻 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/06/2023 postreply 06:01:23



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