If his/her all other materials especially research,

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回答: 讀醫學院的確是夠卷。高山峻嶺流水人家2023-02-03 11:15:23

Leadership and communication skill (in-person) are exceptional as his/her sGPA and MCAT, he or she would get A(s) from HMS, Perelman, Vagelos , etc. in the coming weeks when they extend their one-time admissions decisions, or JHU, Stanford, WashU , etc. in the coming days or weeks when they extend their another wave of admissions decisions.

He or she still has a chance to get off the wait-lists. 

The worst  situation: he or she could get in a low to middle rank private medical school with the letter of intent being sent after May 1 at least no later than June 1st .








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