
來源: Mike121212 2021-01-20 13:35:59 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (949 bytes)
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我太太有個同事, 俄國猶太,為小孩的分數常到高中去吵。 後來他女兒念醫學院。
老師都怕他了。後來遇到給 A- 還是給 A 之類的問題,如果他去學校吵,老師就幹脆給他孩子 A, 以息事寧人。否則他 never give up the fight.
如果有正當理由, 應該鼓勵孩子去爭取。This is an excellent opportunity to collect your facts, formulate your argument, and convince the teacher that you deserve a better grade because of the excellent work you have produced and the great amount of effort you have put into the class. And in some cases, the student can even gain the respect of the teacher by doing this, especially if s/he presents a strong fact-based and logic-driven arguement in a non-frontational manner. This is a valuable skill for the kids to learn. 

老中要以猶太為榜樣, 善於爭取和捍衛自己的利益.



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