Thsi is one of the best remarks about the private school, especi

回答: K-12 私校家長有話說wanderlustnyer2020-09-13 21:00:40

for those on the East coast (from DC to Boston).  s/he didn't attempted to show his/her own children's privilege over a public schooler, but rather to share some fundamental differences between the two types.  Yes, the private schools put tremendous emphases on reading, writing, debates, sports, etc. or even military training.  These are governing skills, but don't necessarily transfer to a money-making outcome.  Children from rich background tend to study arts, history, literature, drama, or other "fluffy" stuffs by our first-gen scientist/engineer's standards.  That doesn't mean everyone of those kids will be good at these areas, and be successful in doing them--they just can afford not to make an immediate living.

We, as parents, need to be honest and realistic with ourselves and our children.  An elite private school may change your life, but don't count on it! 


this is one of the best replies to this post. 有些人靠腦子吃飯, -AugustaGege- 給 AugustaGege 發送悄悄話 (339 bytes) () 09/14/2020 postreply 11:33:06
