Emphasize that she is doing it for herself

來源: One1618 2020-02-14 17:46:37 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (784 bytes)
回答: 六年紀女娃 求助愛喝檸檬2020-02-13 17:51:38


not the parents.

Make sure her present needs are met.  But she will be on her own someday.  You are helping her now but not forever.

Give her some simple task that will require effort on her part.  When she completes it (no need to be perfect), praise her and celebrate with a reward (can be an icecream, or just your cheerfulness.)

What she needs is the connection between effort and happiness.  Your standard has to match her level of effort; lower it so that her effort (not matter how meeger) can produce positive results.

Danica Mckellar has some books on "girls and math."  Hope she is still willing to read them.


