
來源: One1618 2019-11-26 06:36:55 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (524 bytes)
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回答: 模擬聯合國(model un)掃盲古代的事物2019-11-25 17:42:36


For some participants, this is a major draw, away from parents' and teachers' watchful eyes, hanky-panky. 

Not to rain on the parade.  Parents shouldn't be too naive about it.  Ask your child what else is going on during the down times, another opportunity to train their situation awareness.

MUN gives your child a platform to shine.  If your child likes it, sky is the limit.  You just need to find proper attire for him/her.


一般都會有指導老師跟著,不會有什麽問題。這個活動對於孩子在公共場所發言有極好的鍛煉效果,類似DEBATE。表現好的,還被選拔去參 -Horsewhisper- 給 Horsewhisper 發送悄悄話 Horsewhisper 的博客首頁 (98 bytes) () 11/26/2019 postreply 20:26:31
