Need help finding chinese travel agencies in London

We are going to London for 9 days/8 nights. Need help finding a London-based chinese travel agency. Or any chinese newspaper with  a website, where I can find classified (ads) online. 

My plan is to spend 3 days on a guided tour to Peak District, Lake, and Lock Ness, a day trip (guided tour) to Stonehenge and Bath. The rest of the time, we will tour London by ourselves.

My parents went on a 12 day, 7 countries tour 10 years ago. I would like to give them a different experience, 1 country a year, with more depth . My hu*****and and I and our two young kids are going for the first time.  My bad, planning this last minute, as usual.

Thanks much.


東風飄關係多多, 也熱心助人. 是首選.. 不行還有板凳, 老遊在美國就算了. -不被告被你忽悠- 給 不被告被你忽悠 發送悄悄話 不被告被你忽悠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/19/2013 postreply 07:24:58

老遊是老外,跟咱們玩不到一塊兒。我對旅遊沒興趣,英超的事倒盡可以問我 -板凳球迷- 給 板凳球迷 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/19/2013 postreply 07:54:08

老遊是老外,在發揚國際主義精神。 -Lao.u168- 給 Lao.u168 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/19/2013 postreply 09:28:55

竟然被點名了,不上也得上了。。。。。。。。 -東風飄- 給 東風飄 發送悄悄話 東風飄 的博客首頁 (570 bytes) () 08/19/2013 postreply 15:55:27

我堅決支持租用直升飛機的想法 -板凳球迷- 給 板凳球迷 發送悄悄話 (109 bytes) () 08/19/2013 postreply 18:30:24

Titicaca好像也可以 -調酒師- 給 調酒師 發送悄悄話 調酒師 的博客首頁 (67 bytes) () 08/19/2013 postreply 17:59:06

我爸媽多年前用過這家,很讚。 -趙飛燕- 給 趙飛燕 發送悄悄話 趙飛燕 的博客首頁 (50 bytes) () 08/20/2013 postreply 13:20:41

最近陪朋友隨華人旅行團走了好多地方,如果你要參加旅行團的話,titicaca 要好很多。回複:Need help finding -石川河- 給 石川河 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/20/2013 postreply 01:55:15

回複:Need help finding chinese travel agencies in London -寶寶桃桃- 給 寶寶桃桃 發送悄悄話 寶寶桃桃 的博客首頁 (43 bytes) () 08/24/2013 postreply 16:46:55
