I am still in di*****elieve that I got a car incident! Seriously thinking about making a will!
Took fy to EMA. On my way back, at 8.30am at oadby harborough rd A6 dual carriage way near the BP petrol station, a silver car cross the road without looking at the main rd, hit my car heavily. Both my airbags inflated, left side of the front of my car was worn and badly damaged. Windscreen cracked.
I then felt sharp pain on my right face, looking at the mirror there was scratches, slightly bleeding, got compressing pain on chest, right ankle bruised, both groin sore. There was smoke came from left grove box. There were people came to help, asking if I was ok, offering me tissues, drink, and ice. They called police and ambulance who arrived very quickly. Checked my obs, bp 160/105, Sats 100%. My right face and right upper lip was swollen, very sore. I asked if they are going to do anything with it, if I am going to hospital. To my surprise, they said it's up to me! If I want to go they will take me to the hospital. Well, I have no idea whether or not I should go! Aren't they the professionals? Shouldn't they tell me what to do?
Well, I got some medical experience, I think it should be ok, luckily my injuries seems superficial, just a few bruises and scratches...maybe! so I said I'd like to go home. I got my car insurance to claim! My car was towed away and it seems unrepairable! The girl who hit me is young, in her twenties. She did said that it was her fault. She seemed not hurt, one point she was like going to cry and said that everybody is looking at her! Hello! How about me! The one with a disfigured face! Then her father in law came, her dad came, her hu*****and came...she got a lot of attention! Well, me, my son was on a plane! And poor me, only me, alone, by myself....
The police took me home. I called tesco car insurance, a lot of explaining, then Albany car hire texted me asked me to call them, explaining again, but their service seems not good, ask me to pay for £15 fuel service and lots of terms and conditions... I refused them. I used to have a courtesy car, it's a company from Birmingham, their service was very good, a pity that I couldn't find the name and address. Then direct line car insurance who insured for the girl driver called me, because it's not my fault, they will hire a car for me from enterprise, but I won't get a car unless Monday. She said that the personal injuries will call me on monday too.
I have been busying with the phone calls since I came back at 10am, haven't got a time to make myself a drink until 1.30pm. My face is very sore, I still think that it needs to be at least cleaned, and thought give the out of hour doctor a call maybe just for advice. The doctor called me back, because he cannot see me, he asked me to go to LRI clinic 1 to see a doctor. Booked me an appointment at 3.30pm, was seen at 4.05pm. The doctor was very nice, he thinks that I need to go to A&E to get my skin cleaned, to get x-ray checked to exclude cheek bone fracture. Then I went to the casualty, I arrived at about 4.35pm, my god, my estimated assessment time is 8.35pm on the sheet! A nurse assessed me at about 5pm, gave me paracedamol and ibuprofen for the pain and swelling, then wait again to see the minor injury doctor!
6.30pm called in by senior nurse, BP 120/75 wheeze heard at left lower lung. Ordered cheek and pneumothorax X ray
7pm X ray done, back in waiting room, had to take off cloth, triggered asthma symptom, difficult to breath
7.30pm called in again, chest X ray ok, not sure about cheek bone, to ask specialist to see. Salbutamol inhaler given--- asthma relieved
8 pm urge to toilet, vomited, back to waiting room again
8.30pm feel low blood sugar-like symptom, took one milky latte from vending machine.
10pm vomitted again
10.05pm seen by face doctor, cheek X ray ok, examined bones around wound, ok
10.40 nurse checked BP 118/81, Sats 97%
Seen by a doctor re vomiting, checked abdomen soft ok, prescribed cyclizine
Nurse came to clean wound, it has been 14 hours belated!
11.05pm asked for sick leave form. Was told that I can self-certificate for 5 days, then can ask Gp to issue one if needed.
11.20pm left
00.10am arrive home
Total hour in hospital: 8 hours
Lesson learned, do not trust paramedics, they are just good at first aid. If you got injuries, no matter how small it seems, you'd better go to see a doctor to get it checked!
Thank God that I just got minor injuries! And thank God that I was just back from the airport and fy was not sit in the passenger side!
Oh my God! I got a car accident
u should ignore other party's
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04/02/2012 postreply
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04/02/2012 postreply
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04/02/2012 postreply