
英國值多少錢?大概5萬億,其中3萬億是房地產。如果英國在非洲,那麽英國就值2萬億, 然後英國就是窮國。Now the questions is: 1. how much is your house? Your house price is decided by the houses sold in your area in recent months. Those prices are what the sellers want to sell and the buyers want to buy. 2. So, what will happen to your house in recession time?If the houses around yours are sold in a low price, your house price will go down too. If you want to keep your wish house price, you need to buy the house with a higher price in your area to keep your house price up.


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    house price anywhere in the world -馭風而行- 給 馭風而行 發送悄悄話 (176 bytes) () 09/30/2010 postreply 06:00:38

    You are right, but not really -跟我到英國買房- 給 跟我到英國買房 發送悄悄話 跟我到英國買房 的博客首頁 (69 bytes) () 10/03/2010 postreply 13:51:46
