
英國一個著名媒體要拍攝documentary,要求是中國的一家人。追蹤記錄他們在英國的holiday. 如果哪位朋友感興趣請發信到我的郵箱yang@startmandarin.co.uk


The subject of the film is family life - what the modern family is and how it works. We want to film a number of families setting off on their summer holidays in the UK - we'll film them travelling to their holiday destination and coming back, but we would not be present for the holiday itself. While they are away we'll leave the children with a small digital camera to document the holiday. The hope is very much to make a programme which not only sheds light on how families work, but does so in a fun and different way.

We'd like to include a range of different shapes and sizes of families - single-parent families, foster families, three generation families, and so on.
At the moment I'm looking for families who might like to take part - no commitment as yet, of course, but it would be great just to talk with fluent English speaking Chinese or British Chinese families who might be interested to show Britain's ethnic diversity beyond just white and black families.

The only requirements are that they are traveling in the UK over the summer and that the journey to their destination will take at least two hours in the car. However, I think if we found the right Chinese/British Chinese family who were just taking a very long weekend trip or long drive, we would definitely consider them for this film.
