艱難的決定 - www.rightmove.com

回答: 你這個問題有些不具體。。。。。。NW22222009-11-05 07:36:32

I totally understand where you are coming from, moving home is no easy job.

Since you do not know the area, it is always easy to rent first then buy for houses. From my knowledge, postcode W5 in Ealing is the highest priced area (higher than W13 etc). For easy commute to central London, you may want to see around Ealing Broadway tube station.

You are now trying to resolve everything in one go, but you have to actually live in that area to know whether you like it or not. Therefore, you might be better off to settle in a rented place first - somewhere easy for adults commuting to work. Then search for good schooling for your children. Luckily they are still young, you have one year to prepare for your big one for reception.

Try website RIGHTMOVE, there are plenty of rental and buying information there.

Hope that helps and good luck.


回複:艱難的決定 - www.rightmove.com -Grouse11- 給 Grouse11 發送悄悄話 (265 bytes) () 11/08/2009 postreply 00:50:52

萬事開頭難,一切都會好的。。。 -NW2222- 給 NW2222 發送悄悄話 (592 bytes) () 11/08/2009 postreply 04:01:48
