回複:回複:有熟悉Ealing borough的xdjm嗎?

回答: 搬遷倫敦,住到哪裏Grouse112009-11-02 15:07:45

as for the car insurance, emmmm said it depends on where i would live.. where can i find that information? is there a website i can check? does it matter what type of car/how old it is etc?

1. You can call any motor insurance provider, give them a post code and address, although you haven't moved in yet, and other required information, they will give you a code right away.

2. From my personal experience, the cost of car insurance depents upon:

a. Location
b. Years of holding driving license and no-claim bonus.
c. Your age and gender
c. Car itself...unless you have a fancy sporty car, e.g. Maserati coupe...anyway car itself won't make huge difference.

i looked at some areas in Ealing as this is where Acton tube station locates, anyone has some suggestions on different areas?
Ealing, Ealing Court is a nice place to live in London, like Islington, they are the recnt year's grown up areas. I don't know it very well, thus I cannot provide information for any particular streets. You can ask local Estate Agencies about which streets or spots you should avoid. Most of them will be very helpful.


謝emmm -grouse11- 給 grouse11 發送悄悄話 (486 bytes) () 11/08/2009 postreply 01:14:01
