AAT Level 2=NVQ2= Foundation Level=會計初級上崗證;
AAT Level 3=NVQ3= Intermediate Level=會計中級上崗證;
AAT Level 4=NVQ4=Final Level=會計技師.
NVQ system is an unique educational system in UK to equip people who whish to step into a certain semi-skilled/skilled job market.NVQ= National Vacational Qualification.
AAT is not well knomn in China. Not like CIMA, ACCA, ACA, etc.The main reason is that tha latter has Chartered status (皇家注冊的). However, three charted accounting bodies all support AAT (Accociation of Accounting Technicians). Students who passed AAT level 4 can be often exempted from he foundation level of CIMA/ACCA/ACA, etc.
I hope it helps. If you need further information you are welcome to use QQH.
想聽中肯的建議嗎? AAT Level 2相當於國內會計行業什麽職稱?
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08/31/2009 postreply