

The RMT Union have called a strike on all London Underground lines from 19:00 (7pm) on Tuesday 9 until Thursday 11 June 2009. If the strike goes ahead, Tube services will not return to normal until Friday morning.

Oyster pay as you go will be accepted on National Rail journeys in Greater London.

A wide range of alternative transport is available and passengers should consider using the Bus, Overground, DLR and River services. Cycling or Walking will also be practical options for many.

For the latest information, and help planning your journeys, go to tfl.gov.uk


thx for the info. -馭風而行- 給 馭風而行 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2009 postreply 00:58:19

真討厭,怎麽辦啊。。。 -白羊- 給 白羊 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2009 postreply 07:17:17

可能會在最後一刻被call off,滿足他們的要求。他們年年罷工,吃上癮了。 -centralline- 給 centralline 發送悄悄話 centralline 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2009 postreply 08:07:30

這幫人就光喊喊mind the gap就能賺40K,該誰罷工呢 -flywhc- 給 flywhc 發送悄悄話 flywhc 的博客首頁 (195 bytes) () 06/09/2009 postreply 08:22:44

上次LBC訪談節目 -謝無莫- 給 謝無莫 發送悄悄話 謝無莫 的博客首頁 (92 bytes) () 06/09/2009 postreply 08:42:15

£487.2 will be lost for this tube on strike -努力學習123- 給 努力學習123 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2009 postreply 08:13:05

誰知道罷工到底開始了沒有? -謝無莫- 給 謝無莫 發送悄悄話 謝無莫 的博客首頁 (15 bytes) () 06/09/2009 postreply 11:06:47

住啥倫敦,,,還是俺們鄉下好,,,走路去上班就好了,,, -四國大戰- 給 四國大戰 發送悄悄話 四國大戰 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2009 postreply 14:05:42

這種行徑和大規模殺傷性武器沒有區別,一萬個員工罷工 -Gennaro- 給 Gennaro 發送悄悄話 Gennaro 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/09/2009 postreply 16:43:31

所以偶又沒有上班,在家灌水了。working from home,hehe -toploader- 給 toploader 發送悄悄話 toploader 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/10/2009 postreply 01:52:32
